*** glSnoop started. Built date: Sep 12 2019 *** Timer frequency 24937500 ticks / second ogles2.library version 2.10 Patched GetInterface 0x1bf5d5c with 0x7f949b20 Patched DropInterface 0x1bf5718 with 0x7f949964 Warp3DNova.library version 1.65 Patched W3DN_CreateContext 0x7fe337cc with 0x7f964c9c GetCliProgramName: 'glsnoop' Application name: 'glsnoop' Patched aglSwapBuffers 0x7f1cdbe4 with 0x7f953978 Patched glActiveTexture 0x7f1bc8e0 with 0x7f955e98 Patched glAttachShader 0x7f1c2ecc with 0x7f957adc Patched glBindAttribLocation 0x7f1c3524 with 0x7f95ad2c Patched glBindBuffer 0x7f1c9060 with 0x7f9574a0 Patched glBindFramebuffer 0x7f1ad18c with 0x7f9576b4 Patched glBindRenderbuffer 0x7f1ae154 with 0x7f9578c8 Patched glBindTexture 0x7f1be2d8 with 0x7f95728c Patched glBlendColor 0x7f1d3b48 with 0x7f95e628 Patched glBlendEquation 0x7f1d3c58 with 0x7f954518 Patched glBlendEquationSeparate 0x7f1d3d08 with 0x7f957078 Patched glBlendFunc 0x7f1d3de0 with 0x7f956a68 Patched glBlendFuncSeparate 0x7f1d4250 with 0x7f95c3d8 Patched glBufferData 0x7f1c93dc with 0x7f95c61c Patched glBufferSubData 0x7f1c9804 with 0x7f95c860 Patched glCheckFramebufferStatus 0x7f1acfe0 with 0x7f95648c Patched glClear 0x7f1d2f88 with 0x7f9556d0 Patched glClearColor 0x7f1d3014 with 0x7f95e3e4 Patched glClearDepthf 0x7f1d30e0 with 0x7f956670 Patched glClearStencil 0x7f1d3118 with 0x7f9558cc Patched glColorMask 0x7f1d5214 with 0x7f95cefc Patched glCompileShader 0x7f1c6bdc with 0x7f955ac8 Patched glCompressedTexImage2D 0x7f1be824 with 0x7f95f344 Patched glCompressedTexSubImage2D 0x7f1be87c with 0x7f95fb30 Patched glCopyTexImage2D 0x7f1c0874 with 0x7f95f88c Patched glCopyTexSubImage2D 0x7f1c0c28 with 0x7f95f5e8 Patched glCreateProgram 0x7f1c27a8 with 0x7f955cc4 Patched glCreateShader 0x7f1c6350 with 0x7f956e90 Patched glCullFace 0x7f1d52ac with 0x7f955100 Patched glDeleteBuffers 0x7f1c8eec with 0x7f961548 Patched glDeleteFramebuffers 0x7f1ace6c with 0x7f961754 Patched glDeleteProgram 0x7f1c27f0 with 0x7f9552d8 Patched glDeleteRenderbuffers 0x7f1ae034 with 0x7f961130 Patched glDeleteShader 0x7f1c63a8 with 0x7f9554d4 Patched glDeleteTextures 0x7f1be178 with 0x7f96133c Patched glDepthFunc 0x7f1d55f8 with 0x7f954d08 Patched glDepthMask 0x7f1d56c8 with 0x7f954f04 Patched glDepthRangef 0x7f1d5724 with 0x7f95b784 Patched glDetachShader 0x7f1c2fb0 with 0x7f956c7c Patched glDisable 0x7f1d4ef8 with 0x7f954910 Patched glDisableVertexAttribArray 0x7f1b4508 with 0x7f954b0c Patched glDrawArrays 0x7f1aba80 with 0x7f960844 Patched glDrawElements 0x7f1abba8 with 0x7f960ca0 Patched glEnable 0x7f1d4d40 with 0x7f95431c Patched glEnableVertexAttribArray 0x7f1b44b8 with 0x7f954120 Patched glFinish 0x7f1d57e0 with 0x7f953d40 Patched glFlush 0x7f1d57cc with 0x7f953b5c Patched glFramebufferRenderbuffer 0x7f1ad53c with 0x7f95d140 Patched glFramebufferTexture2D 0x7f1ad73c with 0x7f95d7c8 Patched glFrontFace 0x7f1d52bc with 0x7f953f24 Patched glGenBuffers 0x7f1c8e50 with 0x7f961960 Patched glGenerateMipmap 0x7f1be418 with 0x7f954714 Patched glGenFramebuffers 0x7f1acdd0 with 0x7f961bac Patched glGenRenderbuffers 0x7f1adf98 with 0x7f961df8 Patched glGenTextures 0x7f1be0dc with 0x7f962044 Patched glGetActiveAttrib 0x7f1c3408 with 0x7f960364 Patched glGetActiveUniform 0x7f1c3288 with 0x7f9605d4 Patched glGetAttachedShaders 0x7f1c30b4 with 0x7f9624ac Patched glGetAttribLocation 0x7f1c3594 with 0x7f95a4ac Patched glGetBooleanv 0x7f1b9df0 with 0x7f958304 Patched glGetBufferParameteriv 0x7f1c9340 with 0x7f95a2ac Patched glGetError 0x7f1d5998 with 0x7f95dec4 Patched glGetFloatv 0x7f1b9e08 with 0x7f9596c4 Patched glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv 0x7f1ad3dc with 0x7f95cce8 Patched glGetIntegerv 0x7f1b9dd4 with 0x7f958118 Patched glGetProgramiv 0x7f1c2974 with 0x7f95b184 Patched glGetProgramInfoLog 0x7f1c282c with 0x7f95ec88 Patched glGetRenderbufferParameteriv 0x7f1ae3b0 with 0x7f95b384 Patched glGetShaderiv 0x7f1c6474 with 0x7f95b584 Patched glGetShaderInfoLog 0x7f1c63b4 with 0x7f95eeb8 Patched glGetShaderPrecisionFormat 0x7f1c6604 with 0x7f95d5b0 Patched glGetShaderSource 0x7f1c6688 with 0x7f95ea58 Patched glGetString 0x7f1d59a4 with 0x7f95e86c Patched glGetTexParameterfv 0x7f1be8d0 with 0x7f95bdd8 Patched glGetTexParameteriv 0x7f1bec44 with 0x7f9598b0 Patched glGetUniformfv 0x7f1b4c10 with 0x7f95bfd8 Patched glGetUniformiv 0x7f1b4c44 with 0x7f959ab0 Patched glGetUniformLocation 0x7f1c31a4 with 0x7f959cb0 Patched glGetVertexAttribfv 0x7f1b3f78 with 0x7f95c1d8 Patched glGetVertexAttribiv 0x7f1b3ddc with 0x7f959eac Patched glGetVertexAttribPointerv 0x7f1b3d8c with 0x7f95a0ac Patched glHint 0x7f1d5b80 with 0x7f9584f0 Patched glIsBuffer 0x7f1c900c with 0x7f958704 Patched glIsEnabled 0x7f1d50b0 with 0x7f9588f8 Patched glIsFramebuffer 0x7f1acf8c with 0x7f958aec Patched glIsProgram 0x7f1c27fc with 0x7f958ce0 Patched glIsRenderbuffer 0x7f1ae358 with 0x7f958ed4 Patched glIsShader 0x7f1c6748 with 0x7f9590c8 Patched glIsTexture 0x7f1be298 with 0x7f9592bc Patched glLineWidth 0x7f1d5358 with 0x7f95686c Patched glLinkProgram 0x7f1c2e54 with 0x7f956094 Patched glPixelStorei 0x7f1d5348 with 0x7f957cf0 Patched glPolygonOffset 0x7f1d53ec with 0x7f95b998 Patched glShaderSource 0x7f1c6b3c with 0x7f962b8c Patched glTexImage2D 0x7f1c0024 with 0x7f95fdec Patched glTexParameterf 0x7f1bf2f8 with 0x7f95bbac Patched glTexParameterfv 0x7f1bf7c8 with 0x7f95af58 Patched glTexParameteri 0x7f1bef7c with 0x7f95a6a8 Patched glTexParameteriv 0x7f1bfca4 with 0x7f95a8d4 Patched glTexSubImage2D 0x7f1c0480 with 0x7f9600a8 Patched glUniform1f 0x7f1b4624 with 0x7f9594b0 Patched glUniform1fv 0x7f1b4678 with 0x7f962748 Patched glUniform1i 0x7f1b46bc with 0x7f957f04 Patched glUniform1iv 0x7f1b4710 with 0x7f962290 Patched glUniform2f 0x7f1b4754 with 0x7f95d384 Patched glUniform2fv 0x7f1b47ac with 0x7f96303c Patched glUniform2i 0x7f1b47f0 with 0x7f95ab00 Patched glUniform2iv 0x7f1b4848 with 0x7f962968 Patched glUniform3f 0x7f1b488c with 0x7f95dc80 Patched glUniform3fv 0x7f1b48e8 with 0x7f96348c Patched glUniform3i 0x7f1b4930 with 0x7f95caa4 Patched glUniform3iv 0x7f1b498c with 0x7f962e14 Patched glUniform4f 0x7f1b49d4 with 0x7f95f0e8 Patched glUniform4fv 0x7f1b4a34 with 0x7f9636b4 Patched glUniform4i 0x7f1b4a78 with 0x7f95da24 Patched glUniform4iv 0x7f1b4ad8 with 0x7f963260 Patched glUniformMatrix2fv 0x7f1b4b1c with 0x7f9638e0 Patched glUniformMatrix3fv 0x7f1b4b6c with 0x7f963b20 Patched glUniformMatrix4fv 0x7f1b4bc0 with 0x7f9536e8 Patched glUseProgram 0x7f1c2c24 with 0x7f956290 Patched glVertexAttribPointer 0x7f1b3bfc with 0x7f95e170 Patched W3DN context function BindBitMapAsTexture Patched W3DN context function BindShaderDataBuffer Patched W3DN context function BindTexture Patched W3DN context function BindVertexAttribArray Patched W3DN context function BufferUnlock Patched W3DN context function Clear Patched W3DN context function CompileShader Patched W3DN context function CreateDataBufferObject Patched W3DN context function CreateFrameBuffer Patched W3DN context function CreateRenderStateObject Patched W3DN context function CreateShaderPipeline Patched W3DN context function CreateTexSampler Patched W3DN context function CreateTexture Patched W3DN context function CreateVertexBufferObject Patched W3DN context function DBOGetAttr Patched W3DN context function DBOGetBuffer Patched W3DN context function DBOLock Patched W3DN context function DBOSetBuffer Patched W3DN context function Destroy Patched W3DN context function DestroyDataBufferObject Patched W3DN context function DestroyFrameBuffer Patched W3DN context function DestroyRenderStateObject Patched W3DN context function DestroyShader Patched W3DN context function DestroyShaderLog Patched W3DN context function DestroyShaderPipeline Patched W3DN context function DestroyTexSampler Patched W3DN context function DestroyTexture Patched W3DN context function DestroyVertexBufferObject Patched W3DN context function DrawArrays Patched W3DN context function DrawElements Patched W3DN context function FBBindBuffer Patched W3DN context function FBGetAttr Patched W3DN context function FBGetBufferBM Patched W3DN context function FBGetBufferTex Patched W3DN context function FBGetStatus Patched W3DN context function GetBitMapTexture Patched W3DN context function GetBlendColour Patched W3DN context function GetBlendEquation Patched W3DN context function GetBlendMode Patched W3DN context function GetColourMask Patched W3DN context function GetDepthCompareFunc Patched W3DN context function GetFrontFace Patched W3DN context function GetLineWidth Patched W3DN context function GetPolygonMode Patched W3DN context function GetPolygonOffset Patched W3DN context function GetProvokingVertex Patched W3DN context function GetRenderTarget Patched W3DN context function GetScissor Patched W3DN context function GetShaderDataBuffer Patched W3DN context function GetShaderPipeline Patched W3DN context function GetState Patched W3DN context function GetStencilFunc Patched W3DN context function GetStencilOp Patched W3DN context function GetStencilWriteMask Patched W3DN context function GetTexSampler Patched W3DN context function GetTexture Patched W3DN context function GetVertexAttribArray Patched W3DN context function GetViewport Patched W3DN context function IsDone Patched W3DN context function Query Patched W3DN context function RSOCopy Patched W3DN context function RSOSetMaster Patched W3DN context function SetBlendColour Patched W3DN context function SetBlendEquation Patched W3DN context function SetBlendEquationSeparate Patched W3DN context function SetBlendMode Patched W3DN context function SetBlendModeSeparate Patched W3DN context function SetColourMask Patched W3DN context function SetDepthCompareFunc Patched W3DN context function SetFrontFace Patched W3DN context function SetLineWidth Patched W3DN context function SetPolygonMode Patched W3DN context function SetPolygonOffset Patched W3DN context function SetProvokingVertex Patched W3DN context function SetRenderTarget Patched W3DN context function SetScissor Patched W3DN context function SetShaderPipeline Patched W3DN context function SetState Patched W3DN context function SetStencilFunc Patched W3DN context function SetStencilFuncSeparate Patched W3DN context function SetStencilOp Patched W3DN context function SetStencilOpSeparate Patched W3DN context function SetStencilWriteMask Patched W3DN context function SetStencilWriteMaskSeparate Patched W3DN context function SetViewport Patched W3DN context function ShaderGetCount Patched W3DN context function ShaderGetObjectInfo Patched W3DN context function ShaderGetOffset Patched W3DN context function ShaderGetTotalStorage Patched W3DN context function ShaderGetType Patched W3DN context function ShaderPipelineGetShader Patched W3DN context function Submit Patched W3DN context function TexGenMipMaps Patched W3DN context function TexGetParameters Patched W3DN context function TexGetProperty Patched W3DN context function TexSetParameters Patched W3DN context function TexUpdateImage Patched W3DN context function TexUpdateSubImage Patched W3DN context function TSGetParameters Patched W3DN context function TSSetParameters Patched W3DN context function VBOGetArray Patched W3DN context function VBOGetAttr Patched W3DN context function VBOLock Patched W3DN context function VBOSetArray Patched W3DN context function WaitDone Patched W3DN context function WaitIdle Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 0. Result 32 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 14. Result 16 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetViewport: renderState 0x63368358, x 0.000000, y 0.000000, width 0.000000, height 0.000000, zNear 0.000000, zFar 1.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateRenderStateObject: errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Render state object address 0x63368358 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateFrameBuffer: errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Frame buffer address 0x628947a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetRenderTarget: renderState 0x63368358, frameBuffer 0x628947a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 0. Result 32 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 1. Result 16384 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 2. Result 16384 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 3. Result 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 4. Result 16 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 5. Result 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 6. Result 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 7. Result 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 8. Result 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 9. Result 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 10. Result 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 11. Result 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 12. Result 16384 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 13. Result 16384 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 14. Result 16 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 15. Result 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 16. Result 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 17. Result 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 18. Result 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 19. Result 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 20. Result 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 21. Result 32 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 22. Result 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 23. Result 128 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 24. Result 8192 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 25. Result 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 26. Result 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 27. Result 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 15 (W3DNEC_QUEUEEMPTY). Submit ID 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_WaitIdle: timeout 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_FBBindBuffer: frameBuffer 0x628947a8, attachmentPt 65536, tags 0x61435738. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_FBBindBuffer: frameBuffer 0x628947a8, attachmentPt 0, tags 0x61435738. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetViewport: renderState 0x63368358, x 0.000000, y 480.000000, width 640.000000, height -480.000000, zNear 0.000000, zFar 1.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetScissor: renderState 0x63368358, x 0, y 0, width 640, height 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 4, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 3, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendColour: renderState 0x63368358, red 0.000000, green 0.000000, blue 0.000000, alpha 0.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendEquationSeparate: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, colEquation 0, alphaEquation 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendEquation: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, equation 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendEquationSeparate: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, colEquation 0, alphaEquation 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendModeSeparate: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, colSrc 1, colDst 0, alphaSrc 1, alphaDst 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendMode: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, src 1, dst 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendModeSeparate: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, colSrc 1, colDst 0, alphaSrc 1, alphaDst 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 4, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 3, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetDepthCompareFunc: renderState 0x63368358, func 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 1, value 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 5, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 4, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 3, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 0, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetScissor: renderState 0x63368358, x 0, y 0, width 640, height 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 2, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetPolygonOffset: renderState 0x63368358, factor 0.000000, units 0.000000, clamp 0.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetFrontFace: renderState 0x63368358, face 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetStencilFuncSeparate: renderState 0x63368358, face 2, func 8, ref 0, mask 0xffffffff. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetStencilFunc: renderState 0x63368358, func 8, ref 0, mask 0xffffffff. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetStencilWriteMaskSeparate: renderState 0x63368358, face 2, mask 0xffffffff. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetStencilWriteMask: renderState 0x63368358, mask 0xffffffff. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetStencilOpSeparate: renderState 0x63368358, face 2, sFail 1, dpFail 1, dpPass 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetStencilOp: renderState 0x63368358, sFail 1, dpFail 1, dpPass 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glPolygonOffset: factor 0.000000, units 0.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetPolygonOffset: renderState 0x63368358, factor 0.000000, units 0.000000, clamp 0.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glLineWidth: width 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetLineWidth: renderState 0x63368358, width 1.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetViewport: renderState 0x63368358, x 0.000000, y 480.000000, width 640.000000, height -480.000000, zNear 0.000000, zFar 1.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetScissor: renderState 0x63368358, x 0, y 0, width 640, height 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateTexSampler: errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Texture sampler address 0x68a09628 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x68a09628, tags 0x61435748. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 2978, data 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 3088, data 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 35739, data 6408 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 35738, data 5121 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetString: name 7939. String 'GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_frag_depth GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_SGIS_texture_lod ' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetShaderPrecisionFormat: shadertype 35632, precisiontype 36338, range [127, 127], precision 23 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 34921, data 16 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 34814, data 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 3379, data 16384 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 34930, data 32 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 34930, data 32 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 36348, data 32 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 34047, data 16 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetError: error 0 (GL_NO_ERROR) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetString: name 7936. String 'A-EON Technology Ltd. Written by Daniel 'Daytonta675x' Müßener @ GoldenCode.eu' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCreateShader: type 35633. Created shader 256 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glShaderSource: shader 256, count 2, string 0x61435868 length 0x0 Line 0: '#version 120' Line 1: ' layout(location = 0) in vec4 vecPos; ' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCompileShader: shader 256 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': GL error 1281 (GL_INVALID_VALUE) detected Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: shader 256, pname 35713, params 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDeleteShader: shader 256 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCreateShader: type 35633. Created shader 257 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glShaderSource: shader 257, count 2, string 0x61435868 length 0x0 Line 0: '#version 300 es' Line 1: ' layout(location = 0) in vec4 vecPos; ' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCompileShader: shader 257 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': GL error 1281 (GL_INVALID_VALUE) detected Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: shader 257, pname 35713, params 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDeleteShader: shader 257 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCreateShader: type 35633. Created shader 258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glShaderSource: shader 258, count 2, string 0x61435868 length 0x0 Line 0: '#version 310 es' Line 1: ' layout(location = 0) in vec4 vecPos; ' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCompileShader: shader 258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': GL error 1281 (GL_INVALID_VALUE) detected Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: shader 258, pname 35713, params 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDeleteShader: shader 258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 35661, data 32 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetFloatv: pname 33902, data 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetFloatv: pname 33901, data 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetFloatv: pname 2850, data 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetFloatv: pname 33062, data 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetFloatv: pname 33063, data 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetError: error 0 (GL_NO_ERROR) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetError: error 0 (GL_NO_ERROR) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glPixelStorei: pname 3333, param 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glClearDepthf: d 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDepthFunc: func 515 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetDepthCompareFunc: renderState 0x63368358, func 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glFrontFace: mode 2304 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetFrontFace: renderState 0x63368358, face 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glBlendFunc: sfactor 770, dfactor 771 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendModeSeparate: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, colSrc 6, colDst 7, alphaSrc 6, alphaDst 7. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendMode: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, src 6, dst 7. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glEnable: cap 2929 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 0, value 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glEnable: cap 2884 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 4, value 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 3, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glPolygonOffset: factor -1.000000, units 0.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetPolygonOffset: renderState 0x63368358, factor 0.000000, units 0.000000, clamp 0.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glLineWidth: width 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetLineWidth: renderState 0x63368358, width 1.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGenTextures: n 1, textures 0x5f318984 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateTexSampler: errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Texture sampler address 0x641f12c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f12c8, tags 0x61435908. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Texture[0] = 256 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 3553, texture 256 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 3553, pname 10241, param 9729 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f12c8, tags 0x61435968. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexImage2D: target 3553, level 0, internalformat 32993, width 128, height 128, border 0, format 32993, type 5121, pixels 0x5f131008 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateTexture: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), texType 1, pixelFormat 5, elementFormat 0, width 128, height 128, depth 1, mipmapped 1, usage 0. Texture address 0x6111d3a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexSetParameters: texture 0x6111d3a8, tags 0x61435788. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6111d3a8, texSampler 0x641f12c8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexSetParameters: texture 0x6111d3a8, tags 0x61435788. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateSubImage: texture 0x6111d3a8, source 0x5f131008, level 0, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 512, srcRowsPerLayer 128, dstX 0, dstY 0, dstLayer 0, width 128, height 128, depth 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateImage: texture 0x6111d3a8, source 0x5f131008, level 0, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 512, srcRowsPerLayer 128. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6111d3a8, texSampler 0x641f12c8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGenTextures: n 1, textures 0x5f1702c4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateTexSampler: errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Texture sampler address 0x641f1ef8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f1ef8, tags 0x614359a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Texture[0] = 257 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 3553, texture 257 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 3553, pname 10241, param 9729 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f1ef8, tags 0x61435a08. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexImage2D: target 3553, level 0, internalformat 32993, width 256, height 256, border 0, format 32993, type 5121, pixels 0x60f5a008 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateTexture: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), texType 1, pixelFormat 5, elementFormat 0, width 256, height 256, depth 1, mipmapped 1, usage 0. Texture address 0x6111d738 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexSetParameters: texture 0x6111d738, tags 0x61435828. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6111d738, texSampler 0x641f1ef8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexSetParameters: texture 0x6111d738, tags 0x61435828. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateSubImage: texture 0x6111d738, source 0x60f5a008, level 0, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 1024, srcRowsPerLayer 256, dstX 0, dstY 0, dstLayer 0, width 256, height 256, depth 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateImage: texture 0x6111d738, source 0x60f5a008, level 0, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 1024, srcRowsPerLayer 256. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6111d738, texSampler 0x641f1ef8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGenTextures: n 1, textures 0x5f17b634 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateTexSampler: errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Texture sampler address 0x641f1d18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f1d18, tags 0x61435a48. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Texture[0] = 258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glHint: target 33170, mode 4352 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 3553, texture 258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 3553, pname 10241, param 9985 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f1d18, tags 0x61435aa8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexImage2D: target 3553, level 0, internalformat 32993, width 128, height 128, border 0, format 32993, type 5121, pixels 0x60d6d018 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateTexture: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), texType 1, pixelFormat 5, elementFormat 0, width 128, height 128, depth 1, mipmapped 1, usage 0. Texture address 0x6638a3a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexSetParameters: texture 0x6638a3a8, tags 0x614358c8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6638a3a8, texSampler 0x641f1d18. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexSetParameters: texture 0x6638a3a8, tags 0x614358c8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateSubImage: texture 0x6638a3a8, source 0x60d6d018, level 0, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 512, srcRowsPerLayer 128, dstX 0, dstY 0, dstLayer 0, width 128, height 128, depth 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateImage: texture 0x6638a3a8, source 0x60d6d018, level 0, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 512, srcRowsPerLayer 128. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6638a3a8, texSampler 0x641f1d18. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexImage2D: target 3553, level 1, internalformat 32993, width 64, height 64, border 0, format 32993, type 5121, pixels 0x5f040ac0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateSubImage: texture 0x6638a3a8, source 0x5f040ac0, level 1, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 256, srcRowsPerLayer 64, dstX 0, dstY 0, dstLayer 0, width 64, height 64, depth 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateImage: texture 0x6638a3a8, source 0x5f040ac0, level 1, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 256, srcRowsPerLayer 64. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6638a3a8, texSampler 0x641f1d18. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexImage2D: target 3553, level 2, internalformat 32993, width 32, height 32, border 0, format 32993, type 5121, pixels 0x5f17b728 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateSubImage: texture 0x6638a3a8, source 0x5f17b728, level 2, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 128, srcRowsPerLayer 32, dstX 0, dstY 0, dstLayer 0, width 32, height 32, depth 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateImage: texture 0x6638a3a8, source 0x5f17b728, level 2, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 128, srcRowsPerLayer 32. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6638a3a8, texSampler 0x641f1d18. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexImage2D: target 3553, level 3, internalformat 32993, width 16, height 16, border 0, format 32993, type 5121, pixels 0x5f17c730 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateSubImage: texture 0x6638a3a8, source 0x5f17c730, level 3, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 64, srcRowsPerLayer 16, dstX 0, dstY 0, dstLayer 0, width 16, height 16, depth 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateImage: texture 0x6638a3a8, source 0x5f17c730, level 3, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 64, srcRowsPerLayer 16. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6638a3a8, texSampler 0x641f1d18. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexImage2D: target 3553, level 4, internalformat 32993, width 8, height 8, border 0, format 32993, type 5121, pixels 0x5f17b728 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateSubImage: texture 0x6638a3a8, source 0x5f17b728, level 4, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 32, srcRowsPerLayer 8, dstX 0, dstY 0, dstLayer 0, width 8, height 8, depth 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateImage: texture 0x6638a3a8, source 0x5f17b728, level 4, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 32, srcRowsPerLayer 8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6638a3a8, texSampler 0x641f1d18. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexImage2D: target 3553, level 5, internalformat 32993, width 4, height 4, border 0, format 32993, type 5121, pixels 0x5f17b830 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateSubImage: texture 0x6638a3a8, source 0x5f17b830, level 5, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 16, srcRowsPerLayer 4, dstX 0, dstY 0, dstLayer 0, width 4, height 4, depth 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateImage: texture 0x6638a3a8, source 0x5f17b830, level 5, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 16, srcRowsPerLayer 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6638a3a8, texSampler 0x641f1d18. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexImage2D: target 3553, level 6, internalformat 32993, width 2, height 2, border 0, format 32993, type 5121, pixels 0x5f38d948 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateSubImage: texture 0x6638a3a8, source 0x5f38d948, level 6, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 8, srcRowsPerLayer 2, dstX 0, dstY 0, dstLayer 0, width 2, height 2, depth 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateImage: texture 0x6638a3a8, source 0x5f38d948, level 6, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 8, srcRowsPerLayer 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6638a3a8, texSampler 0x641f1d18. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexImage2D: target 3553, level 7, internalformat 32993, width 1, height 1, border 0, format 32993, type 5121, pixels 0x5f38daa8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateSubImage: texture 0x6638a3a8, source 0x5f38daa8, level 7, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 4, srcRowsPerLayer 1, dstX 0, dstY 0, dstLayer 0, width 1, height 1, depth 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexUpdateImage: texture 0x6638a3a8, source 0x5f38daa8, level 7, arrayIdx 6, srcBytesPerRow 4, srcRowsPerLayer 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6638a3a8, texSampler 0x641f1d18. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGenerateMipmap: target 3553 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TexGenMipMaps: texture 0x6638a3a8, base 0, last 1000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glClearColor: red 0.392157, green 0.396078, blue 0.549020, alpha 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glClear: mask 0x4100 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Clear: renderState 0x63368358, colour 0x6630ea44, depth 0x6630ea38, stencil 0x0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747123 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glPolygonOffset: factor -1.000000, units 0.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetPolygonOffset: renderState 0x63368358, factor 0.000000, units 0.000000, clamp 0.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glLineWidth: width 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetLineWidth: renderState 0x63368358, width 1.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 14. Result 16 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 0. Result 32 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCreateProgram: created program 256 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCreateShader: type 35633. Created shader 259 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glShaderSource: shader 259, count 1, string 0x5f03b050 length 0x0 Line 0: '#version 100 precision mediump float; precision mediump int; uniform highp mat4 _gl4es_ModelViewMatrix; uniform highp mat4 _gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix; uniform highp mat3 _gl4es_NormalMatrix; attribute highp vec4 _gl4es_Vertex; attribute lowp vec4 _gl4es_Color; attribute highp vec3 _gl4es_Normal; struct _gl4es_LightModelProducts { vec4 sceneColor; }; uniform _gl4es_LightModelProducts _gl4es_FrontLightModelProduct; uniform _gl4es_LightModelProducts _gl4es_BackLightModelProduct; // FPE_Shader generated varying vec4 Color; struct _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters1 { highp vec4 ambient; highp vec4 diffuse; highp vec4 specular; highp vec4 position; highp vec3 spotDirection; highp float spotExponent; highp float spotCosCutoff; highp float constantAttenuation; highp float linearAttenuation; highp float quadraticAttenuation; }; struct _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters0 { highp vec4 ambient; highp vec4 diffuse; highp vec4 specular; highp vec4 position; highp vec3 spotDirection; highp float spotExponent; highp float spotCosCutoff; }; struct _gl4es_LightProducts { highp vec4 ambient; highp vec4 diffuse; highp vec4 specular; }; uniform highp float _gl4es_FrontMaterial_shininess; uniform _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters1 _gl4es_LightSource_0; uniform _gl4es_LightProducts _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_0; uniform _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters1 _gl4es_LightSource_1; uniform _gl4es_LightProducts _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_1; uniform _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters1 _gl4es_LightSource_2; uniform _gl4es_LightProducts _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_2; uniform _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters1 _gl4es_LightSource_3; uniform _gl4es_LightProducts _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_3; uniform _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters1 _gl4es_LightSource_4; uniform _gl4es_LightProducts _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_4; uniform _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters1 _gl4es_LightSource_5; uniform _gl4es_LightProducts _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_5; uniform _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters1 _gl4es_LightSource_6; uniform _gl4es_LightProducts _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_6; uniform _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters1 _gl4es_LightSource_7; uniform _gl4es_LightProducts _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_7; void main() { vec4 vertex = _gl4es_ModelViewMatrix * _gl4es_Vertex; vec3 normal = _gl4es_NormalMatrix * _gl4es_Normal; gl_Position = _gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * _gl4es_Vertex; Color = _gl4es_FrontLightModelProduct.sceneColor; highp float att; highp float spot; highp vec3 VP; highp float lVP; highp float nVP; highp vec3 aa,dd,ss; highp vec3 hi; VP = _gl4es_LightSource_0.position.xyz - vertex.xyz; lVP = length(VP); att = 1.0/(_gl4es_LightSource_0.constantAttenuation + lVP*(_gl4es_LightSource_0.linearAttenuation + _gl4es_LightSource_0.quadraticAttenuation * lVP)); VP = normalize(VP); aa = _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_0.ambient.xyz; nVP = dot(normal, VP); dd = (nVP>0.)?(nVP * _gl4es_Color.xyz * _gl4es_LightSource_0.diffuse.xyz):vec3(0.); hi = normalize(VP + normalize(-vertex.xyz)); lVP = dot(normal, hi); ss = (nVP>0. && lVP>0.)?(_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_0.specular.xyz):vec3(0.); Color.rgb += att*(aa+dd+ss); VP = _gl4es_LightSource_1.position.xyz - vertex.xyz; lVP = length(VP); att = 1.0/(_gl4es_LightSource_1.constantAttenuation + lVP*(_gl4es_LightSource_1.linearAttenuation + _gl4es_LightSource_1.quadraticAttenuation * lVP)); VP = normalize(VP); aa = _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_1.ambient.xyz; nVP = dot(normal, VP); dd = (nVP>0.)?(nVP * _gl4es_Color.xyz * _gl4es_LightSource_1.diffuse.xyz):vec3(0.); hi = normalize(VP + normalize(-vertex.xyz)); lVP = dot(normal, hi); ss = (nVP>0. && lVP>0.)?(_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_1.specular.xyz):vec3(0.); Color.rgb += att*(aa+dd+ss); VP = _gl4es_LightSource_2.position.xyz - vertex.xyz; lVP = length(VP); att = 1.0/(_gl4es_LightSource_2.constantAttenuation + lVP*(_gl4es_LightSource_2.linearAttenuation + _gl4es_LightSource_2.quadraticAttenuation * lVP)); VP = normalize(VP); aa = _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_2.ambient.xyz; nVP = dot(normal, VP); dd = (nVP>0.)?(nVP * _gl4es_Color.xyz * _gl4es_LightSource_2.diffuse.xyz):vec3aC PaC Lÿÿÿÿ5•9“aDì”b¾aC  aCI°—¢4aC  aC °Line 0: '#version 100 precision mediump float; precision mediump int; uniform highp mat4 _gl4es_ModelViewMatrix; uniform highp mat4 _gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix; uniform highp mat3 _gl4es_NormalMatrix; attribute highp vec4 _gl4es_Vertex; attribute lowp vec4 _gl4es_Color; attribute highp vec3 _gl4es_Normal; struct _gl4es_LightModelProducts { vec4 sceneColor; }; uniform _gl4es_LightModelProducts _gl4es_FrontLightModelProduct; uniform _gl4es_LightModelProducts _gl4es_BackLightModelProduct; // FPE_Shader generated varying vec4 Color; struct _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters1 { highp vec4 ambient; highp vec4 diffuse; highp vec4 specular; highp vec4 position; highp vec3 spotDirection; highp float spotExponent; highp float spotCosCutoff; highp float constantAttenuation; highp float linearAttenuation; highp float quadraticAttenuation; }; struct _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters0 { highp vec4 ambient; highp vec4 diffuse; highp vec4 specular; highp vec4 position; highp vec3 spotDirection; highp float spotExponent; highp float spotCosCutoff; }; struct _gl4es_LightProducts { highp vec4 ambient; highp vec4 diffuse; highp vec4 specular; }; uniform highp float _gl4es_FrontMaterial_shininess; uniform _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters1 _gl4es_LightSource_0; uniform _gl4es_LightProducts _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_0; uniform _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters1 _gl4es_LightSource_1; uniform _gl4es_LightProducts _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_1; uniform _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters1 _gl4es_LightSource_2; uniform _gl4es_LightProducts _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_2; uniform _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters1 _gl4es_LightSource_3; uniform _gl4es_LightProducts _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_3; uniform _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters1 _gl4es_LightSource_4; uniform _gl4es_LightProducts _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_4; uniform _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters1 _gl4es_LightSource_5; uniform _gl4es_LightProducts _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_5; uniform _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters1 _gl4es_LightSource_6; uniform _gl4es_LightProducts _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_6; uniform _gl4es_FPELightSourceParameters1 _gl4es_LightSource_7; uniform _gl4es_LightProducts _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_7; void main() { vec4 vertex = _gl4es_ModelViewMatrix * _gl4es_Vertex; vec3 normal = _gl4es_NormalMatrix * _gl4es_Normal; gl_Position = _gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * _gl4es_Vertex; Color = _gl4es_FrontLightModelProduct.sceneColor; highp float att; highp float spot; highp vec3 VP; highp float lVP; highp float nVP; highp vec3 aa,dd,ss; highp vec3 hi; VP = _gl4es_LightSource_0.position.xyz - vertex.xyz; lVP = length(VP); att = 1.0/(_gl4es_LightSource_0.constantAttenuation + lVP*(_gl4es_LightSource_0.linearAttenuation + _gl4es_LightSource_0.quadraticAttenuation * lVP)); VP = normalize(VP); aa = _gl4es_FrontLightProduct_0.ambient.xyz; nVP = dot(normal, VP); dd = (nVP>0.)?(nVP * _gl4es_Color.xyz * _gl4es_LightSource_0.diffuse.xyz):Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCompileShader: shader 259 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CompileShader: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), tags 0x614347c8. Shader address 0x61d184a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: shader 259, pname 35713, params 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCreateShader: type 35632. Created shader 260 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glShaderSource: shader 260, count 1, string 0x5f0418d0 length 0x0 Line 0: '#version 100 precision mediump float; precision mediump int; // FPE_Shader generated varying vec4 Color; void main() { vec4 fColor = Color; gl_FragColor = fColor; }' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCompileShader: shader 260 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CompileShader: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), tags 0x614347c8. Shader address 0x664dc218 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: shader 260, pname 35713, params 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glAttachShader: program 256, shader 259 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glAttachShader: program 256, shader 260 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glLinkProgram: program 256 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateShaderPipeline: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), tags 0x614349e8. Shader pipeline address 0x641f1c28 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 0. Shader count 3 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 0, index 0, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 0, index 1, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 0, index 2, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 0. Shader count 3 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 0, index 0, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 0, index 1, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 0, index 2, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3. Shader count 22 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 0, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 0, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 0, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 0, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 1, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 2, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 2, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 3, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 3, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 3, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 3, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 5, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 5, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 5, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 5, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 7, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 7, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 7, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 7, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 9, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 9, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 9, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 9, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 11, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 13, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 13, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 13, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 13, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 15, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 15, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 15, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 15, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 17, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 17, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 17, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 17, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 19, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 19, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 20, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 21, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3. Shader count 22 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 0, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 0, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 0, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 0, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 1, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 2, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 2, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 3, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 3, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 3, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 3, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 4, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 5, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 5, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 5, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 5, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 7, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 7, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 7, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 7, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, CCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 6, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 7, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 7, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 7, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 7, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 7, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 7, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 7, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 7, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 7, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 8, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 9, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 9, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 9, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 9, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 9, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 9, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 9, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 9, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 9, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 10, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 11, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 12, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 13, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 13, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 13, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 13, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 13, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 13, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 13, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 13, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 13, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 14, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 15, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 15, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 15, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 15, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 15, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 15, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 15, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 15, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 15, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 16, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 17, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 17, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 17, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 17, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 17, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 17, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 17, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 17, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 17, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 18, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 19, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 19, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 19, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 20, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61d184a8, objectType 3, index 21, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x664dc218, objectType 0. Shader count 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x664dc218, objectType 0, index 0, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x664dc218, objectType 0. Shader count 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x664dc218, objectType 0, index 0, tags 0x61434918. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x664dc218, objectType 3. Shader count 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x664dc218, objectType 3. Shader count 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x664dc218, objectType 2. Shader count 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x664dc218, objectType 2. Shader count 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x664dc218, objectType 0, index 0, tags 0x614347a8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetTotalStorage: shader 0x61d184a8. Size 1352 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetTotalStorage: shader 0x664dc218. Size 0 anagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a2628 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a2628, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a26e8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a26e8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a2868 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a2868, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a2928 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a2928, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a29e8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a29e8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a2aa8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a2aa8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a2b68 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a2b68, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a2c28 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a2c28, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a2ce8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a2ce8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a2da8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a2da8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a2e68 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a2e68, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a2f28 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a2f28, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a2028 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a2028, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x679a0858 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x679a0858, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a59d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a59d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a5918 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a5918, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a5858 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a5858, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a5798 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a5798, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a56d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a56d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a5618 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a5618, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a5e58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a5e58, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a5d98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a5d98, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a5cd8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a5cd8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a5c18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a5c18, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a5b58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a5b58, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x628a5a98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628a5a98, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee3b58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee3b58, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee3a98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee3a98, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee3c18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee3c18, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee3cd8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee3cd8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee3d98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee3d98, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee3e58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee3e58, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee3f18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee3f18, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee3018 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee3018, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee30d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee30d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee3198 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee3198, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee3258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee3258, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee3318 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee3318, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee33d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee33d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee3498 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee3498, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee3558 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee3558, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee3618 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee3618, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee36d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee36d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee3798 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee3798, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee3858 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee3858, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee3918 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee3918, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x66ee39d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x66ee39d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x61f15b68 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61f15b68, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x61f15aa8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61f15aa8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x61f15c28 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61f15c28, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x61f15ce8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61f15ce8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x61f15da8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61f15da8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x61f15e68 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61f15e68, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x61f15f28 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61f15f28, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x61f15028 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61f15028, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x61f150e8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61f150e8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x61f151a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61f151a8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 1352, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434988. Data buffer object address 0x61f15268 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61f15268, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 1352, targetShader 0x61d184a8, tags 0x6143498c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetError: error 0 (GL_NO_ERROR) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 256, pname 35714, params 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 256, pname 35718, params 110 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 256, pname 35719, params 42 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 0, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_3.ambient' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_3.ambient'. Location 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 1, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_3.diffuse' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_3.diffuse'. Location 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 2, bufSize 42, length 35, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_3.specular' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_3.specular'. Location 2 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 3, bufSize 42, length 30, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_FrontMaterial_shininess' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontMaterial_shininess'. Location 3 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 4, bufSize 42, length 39, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_BackLightModelProduct.sceneColor' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_BackLightModelProduct.sceneColor'. Location 4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 5, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_7.ambient' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_7.ambient'. Location 5 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 6, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_7.diffuse' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_7.diffuse'. Location 6 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 7, bufSize 42, length 35, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_7.specular' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_7.specular'. Location 7 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 8, bufSize 42, length 28, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.ambient' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.ambient'. Location 8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 9, bufSize 42, length 28, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.diffuse' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.diffuse'. Location 9 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 10, bufSize 42, length 29, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.specular' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.specular'. Location 10 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 11, bufSize 42, length 29, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.position' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.position'. Location 11 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 12, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35665, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.spotDirection' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.spotDirection'. Location 12 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 13, bufSize 42, length 33, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.spotExponent' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.spotExponent'. Location 13 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 14, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.spotCosCutoff' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.spotCosCutoff'. Location 14 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 15, bufSize 42, length 40, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.constantAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.constantAttenuation'. Location 15 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 16, bufSize 42, length 38, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.linearAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.linearAttenuation'. Location 16 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 17, bufSize 42, length 41, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.quadraticAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_7.quadraticAttenuation'. Location 17 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 18, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_6.ambient' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_6.ambient'. Location 18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 19, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_6.diffuse' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_6.diffuse'. Location 19 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 20, bufSize 42, length 35, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_6.specular' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_6.specular'. Location 20 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 21, bufSize 42, length 28, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.ambient' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.ambient'. Location 21 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 22, bufSize 42, length 28, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.diffuse' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.diffuse'. Location 22 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 23, bufSize 42, length 29, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.specular' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.specular'. Location 23 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 24, bufSize 42, length 29, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.position' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.position'. Location 24 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 25, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35665, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.spotDirection' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.spotDirection'. Location 25 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 26, bufSize 42, length 33, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.spotExponent' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.spotExponent'. Location 26 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 27, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.spotCosCutoff' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.spotCosCutoff'. Location 27 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 28, bufSize 42, length 40, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.constantAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.constantAttenuation'. Location 28 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 29, bufSize 42, length 38, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.linearAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.linearAttenuation'. Location 29 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 30, bufSize 42, length 41, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.quadraticAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_6.quadraticAttenuation'. Location 30 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 31, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_5.ambient' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_5.ambient'. Location 31 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 32, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_5.diffuse' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_5.diffuse'. Location 32 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 33, bufSize 42, length 35, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_5.specular' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_5.specular'. Location 33 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 34, bufSize 42, length 28, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.ambient' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.ambient'. Location 34 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 35, bufSize 42, length 28, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.diffuse' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.diffuse'. Location 35 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 36, bufSize 42, length 29, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.specular' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.specular'. Location 36 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 37, bufSize 42, length 29, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.position' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.position'. Location 37 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 38, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35665, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.spotDirection' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.spotDirection'. Location 38 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 39, bufSize 42, length 33, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.spotExponent' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.spotExponent'. Location 39 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 40, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.spotCosCutoff' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.spotCosCutoff'. Location 40 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 41, bufSize 42, length 40, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.constantAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.constantAttenuation'. Location 41 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 42, bufSize 42, length 38, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.linearAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.linearAttenuation'. Location 42 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 43, bufSize 42, length 41, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.quadraticAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_5.quadraticAttenuation'. Location 43 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 44, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_4.ambient' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_4.ambient'. Location 44 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 45, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_4.diffuse' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_4.diffuse'. Location 45 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 46, bufSize 42, length 35, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_4.specular' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_4.specular'. Location 46 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 47, bufSize 42, length 28, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.ambient' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.ambient'. Location 47 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 48, bufSize 42, length 28, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.diffuse' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.diffuse'. Location 48 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 49, bufSize 42, length 29, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.specular' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.specular'. Location 49 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 50, bufSize 42, length 29, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.position' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.position'. Location 50 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 51, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35665, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.spotDirection' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.spotDirection'. Location 51 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 52, bufSize 42, length 33, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.spotExponent' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.spotExponent'. Location 52 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 53, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.spotCosCutoff' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.spotCosCutoff'. Location 53 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 54, bufSize 42, length 40, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.constantAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.constantAttenuation'. Location 54 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 55, bufSize 42, length 38, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.linearAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.linearAttenuation'. Location 55 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 56, bufSize 42, length 41, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.quadraticAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_4.quadraticAttenuation'. Location 56 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 57, bufSize 42, length 22, size 1, type 35676, name '_gl4es_ModelViewMatrix' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_ModelViewMatrix'. Location 57 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 58, bufSize 42, length 28, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.ambient' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.ambient'. Location 58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 59, bufSize 42, length 28, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.diffuse' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.diffuse'. Location 59 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 60, bufSize 42, length 29, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.specular' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.specular'. Location 60 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 61, bufSize 42, length 29, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.position' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.position'. Location 61 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 62, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35665, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.spotDirection' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.spotDirection'. Location 62 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 63, bufSize 42, length 33, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.spotExponent' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.spotExponent'. Location 63 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 64, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.spotCosCutoff' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.spotCosCutoff'. Location 64 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 65, bufSize 42, length 40, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.constantAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.constantAttenuation'. Location 65 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 66, bufSize 42, length 38, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.linearAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.linearAttenuation'. Location 66 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 67, bufSize 42, length 41, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.quadraticAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_3.quadraticAttenuation'. Location 67 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 68, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_2.ambient' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_2.ambient'. Location 68 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 69, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_2.diffuse' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_2.diffuse'. Location 69 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 70, bufSize 42, length 35, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_2.specular' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_2.specular'. Location 70 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 71, bufSize 42, length 28, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.ambient' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.ambient'. Location 71 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 72, bufSize 42, length 28, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.diffuse' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.diffuse'. Location 72 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 73, bufSize 42, length 29, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.specular' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.specular'. Location 73 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 74, bufSize 42, length 29, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.position' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.position'. Location 74 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 75, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35665, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.spotDirection' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.spotDirection'. Location 75 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 76, bufSize 42, length 33, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.spotExponent' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.spotExponent'. Location 76 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 77, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.spotCosCutoff' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.spotCosCutoff'. Location 77 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 78, bufSize 42, length 40, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.constantAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.constantAttenuation'. Location 78 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 79, bufSize 42, length 38, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.linearAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.linearAttenuation'. Location 79 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 80, bufSize 42, length 41, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.quadraticAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_2.quadraticAttenuation'. Location 80 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 81, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_1.ambient' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_1.ambient'. Location 81 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 82, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_1.diffuse' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_1.diffuse'. Location 82 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 83, bufSize 42, length 35, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_1.specular' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_1.specular'. Location 83 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 84, bufSize 42, length 28, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.ambient' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.ambient'. Location 84 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 85, bufSize 42, length 28, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.diffuse' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.diffuse'. Location 85 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 86, bufSize 42, length 29, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.specular' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.specular'. Location 86 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 87, bufSize 42, length 29, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.position' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.position'. Location 87 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 88, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35665, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.spotDirection' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.spotDirection'. Location 88 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 89, bufSize 42, length 33, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.spotExponent' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.spotExponent'. Location 89 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 90, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.spotCosCutoff' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.spotCosCutoff'. Location 90 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 91, bufSize 42, length 40, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.constantAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.constantAttenuation'. Location 91 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 92, bufSize 42, length 38, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.linearAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.linearAttenuation'. Location 92 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 93, bufSize 42, length 41, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.quadraticAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_1.quadraticAttenuation'. Location 93 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 94, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_0.ambient' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_0.ambient'. Location 94 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 95, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_0.diffuse' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_0.diffuse'. Location 95 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 96, bufSize 42, length 35, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_0.specular' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightProduct_0.specular'. Location 96 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 97, bufSize 42, length 28, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.ambient' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.ambient'. Location 97 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 98, bufSize 42, length 28, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.diffuse' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.diffuse'. Location 98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 99, bufSize 42, length 29, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.specular' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.specular'. Location 99 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 100, bufSize 42, length 29, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.position' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.position'. Location 100 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 101, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 35665, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.spotDirection' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.spotDirection'. Location 101 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 102, bufSize 42, length 33, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.spotExponent' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.spotExponent'. Location 102 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 103, bufSize 42, length 34, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.spotCosCutoff' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.spotCosCutoff'. Location 103 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 104, bufSize 42, length 40, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.constantAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.constantAttenuation'. Location 104 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 105, bufSize 42, length 38, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.linearAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.linearAttenuation'. Location 105 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 106, bufSize 42, length 41, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.quadraticAttenuation' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_LightSource_0.quadraticAttenuation'. Location 106 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 107, bufSize 42, length 40, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_FrontLightModelProduct.sceneColor' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_FrontLightModelProduct.sceneColor'. Location 107 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 108, bufSize 42, length 32, size 1, type 35676, name '_gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix'. Location 108 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 109, bufSize 42, length 19, size 1, type 35675, name '_gl4es_NormalMatrix' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_NormalMatrix'. Location 109 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 256, pname 35721, params 3 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 256, pname 35722, params 14 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveAttrib: program 256, index 0, bufSize 14, length 13, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_Vertex' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetAttribLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_Vertex'. Location 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveAttrib: program 256, index 1, bufSize 14, length 13, size 1, type 35665, name '_gl4es_Normal' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetAttribLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_Normal'. Location 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveAttrib: program 256, index 2, bufSize 14, length 12, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_Color' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetAttribLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_Color'. Location 2 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUseProgram program 256 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetShaderPipeline: renderState 0x63368358, shaderPipeline 0x641f1c28. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, -103.228638, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, -100.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix3fv: location 109, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 97, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 98, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 99, count 1 v0 {0.300000, 0.300000, 1.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 100, count 1 v0 {16.221251, -3.506786, 101.670273, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform3fv: location 101, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform1fv: location 105, count 1 v0 { 0.016667 } Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 94, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 95, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.800000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 96, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 84, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 85, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 86, count 1 v0 {0.300000, 0.300000, 1.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 87, count 1 v0 {-33.778748, -3.506786, 101.670273, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform3fv: location 88, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform1fv: location 92, count 1 v0 { 0.016667 } Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 81, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 82, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.800000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 83, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 71, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 72, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 73, count 1 v0 {0.300000, 0.300000, 1.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 74, count 1 v0 {16.221251, 56.493214, 101.670273, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform3fv: location 75, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform1fv: location 79, count 1 v0 { 0.016667 } Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 68, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 69, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.800000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 70, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 58, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 59, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 60, count 1 v0 {0.300000, 1.000000, 0.300000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 61, count 1 v0 {-19.301641, -21.723904, 114.718681, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform3fv: location 62, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform1fv: location 66, count 1 v0 { 0.016667 } Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 0, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 1, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.800000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 2, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 47, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 48, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 49, count 1 v0 {0.300000, 1.000000, 0.300000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 50, count 1 v0 {30.698359, -21.723904, 114.718681, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform3fv: location 51, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform1fv: location 55, count 1 v0 { 0.016667 } Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 44, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 45, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.800000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 46, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 34, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 35, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 36, count 1 v0 {0.300000, 0.300000, 1.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 37, count 1 v0 {16.221251, -63.506786, 101.670273, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform3fv: location 38, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform1fv: location 42, count 1 v0 { 0.016667 } Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 31, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 32, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.800000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 33, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 21, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 22, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 23, count 1 v0 {0.300000, 0.300000, 1.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 24, count 1 v0 {-33.778748, 56.493214, 101.670273, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform3fv: location 25, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform1fv: location 29, count 1 v0 { 0.016667 } Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 18, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 19, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.800000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 20, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 8, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 9, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 10, count 1 v0 {0.300000, 0.300000, 1.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 11, count 1 v0 {66.221252, -3.506786, 101.670273, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform3fv: location 12, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform1fv: location 16, count 1 v0 { 0.016667 } Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 5, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 6, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.800000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 7, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glEnableVertexAttribArray: index 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b180 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glEnableVertexAttribArray: index 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b18c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glEnableVertexAttribArray: index 2 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 4, type 5121, normalized 1, stride 0, pointer 0x5f171e70 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f1705c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2328, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2358 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2358, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x6605d718, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6605d718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6605d718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6605d748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6605d748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x6605f318, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6605f318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6605f348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6605f348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x6605d718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, -112.055008, -56.539303, 132.183823, 133.139771} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, -108.550308, -41.078209, 133.139771, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c0f8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c104 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f17c0a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2268, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2298 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2298, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2268, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2268, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x63995818, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63995818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63995818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63995848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63995848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x63993518, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63993518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63993518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63993518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63993518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63993518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63993518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63993518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63993548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63993548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x63995818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, -103.228638, 0.000000, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, -100.000000, 0.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c580 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c58c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f17c530 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a21a8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a21d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a21d8, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a21a8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a21a8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x63994a18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63994a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63994a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63994a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63994a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x63995118, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63995118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63995118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63995118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63995118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63995118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63995118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63995118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63995148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63995148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x63994a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, -112.055008, 26.043610, 132.183823, 133.139771} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, -108.550308, 18.921791, 133.139771, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6132a0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6132ac Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f613250 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a20e8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2118 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2118, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a20e8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a20e8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x63994318, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63994318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63994318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63994348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63994348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x63992e18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63992e18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63992e48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63992e48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x63994318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, -103.228638, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, -100.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6137c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6137d4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f613778 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a24a8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a24d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a24d8, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a24a8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a24a8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x63993c18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63993c18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63993c18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63993c48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63993c48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x63992718, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63992718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63992748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63992748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x63993c18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, -112.055008, 108.626526, 132.183823, 133.139771} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, -108.550308, 78.921791, 133.139771, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6146c0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6146cc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f614670 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2628, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2658 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2658, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2628, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2628, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x626dfe18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626dfe18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626dfe18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626dfe48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626dfe48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x626e0518, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626e0518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626e0548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626e0548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x626dfe18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, -51.614319, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, -50.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f614be8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f614bf4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f614b98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a26e8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2718 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2718, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a26e8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a26e8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x626e1318, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e1318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626e1318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626e1348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626e1348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x626df018, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626df018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626df048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626df048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x626e1318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, -60.440681, -56.539303, 132.183823, 133.139771} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, -58.550304, -41.078209, 133.139771, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f615ae0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f615aec Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f615a90 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2868, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2898 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2898, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2868, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2868, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x626e0c18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e0c18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626e0c18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626e0c48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626e0c48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process 628a29e8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2a18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2a18, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a29e8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a29e8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x626e1a18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e1a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626e1a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626e1a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626e1a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62beec18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62beec18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62beec48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62beec48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x626e1a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, -51.614319, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, -50.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617428 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617434 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f6173d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2aa8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2ad8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2ad8, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2aa8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2aa8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62bed718, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bed718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bed718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bed748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bed748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62bed018, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bed018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bed048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bed048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bed718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, -60.440681, 108.626526, 132.183823, 133.139771} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, -58.550304, 78.921791, 133.139771, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618320 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61832c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f6182d0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2b68, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2b98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2b98, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2b68, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2b68, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62befa18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62befa18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62befa18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62befa48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62befa48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62bede18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bede18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bede48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bede48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62befa18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, 0.000000, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, 0.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618848 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618854 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f6187f8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2c28, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2c58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2c58, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2c28, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2c28, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62bf0118, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bf0118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bf0118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bf0148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bf0148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62bf0818, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bf0818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62bf0818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bf0818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62bf0818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bf0818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62bf0818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bf0818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bf0848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bf0848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bf0118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, -8.826364, -56.539303, 132.183823, 133.139771} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, -8.550305, -41.078209, 133.139771, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619740 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61974c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f6196f0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2ce8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2d18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2d18, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2ce8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2ce8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62bee518, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bee518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bee548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bee548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62861118, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62861118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62861148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62861148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, 0.000000, 0.000000, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619c68 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619c74 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f619c18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2da8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2dd8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2dd8, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2da8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2da8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x6285fc18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285fc18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6285fc18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6285fc48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6285fc48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62860a18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62860a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62860a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62860a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x6285fc18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, -8.826364, 26.043610, 132.183823, 133.139771} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, -8.550305, 18.921791, 133.139771, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ab60 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ab6c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61ab10 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2e68, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2e98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2e98, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2e68, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2e68, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x6285e718, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285e718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6285e718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6285e748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6285e748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x6285ee18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6285ee18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6285ee48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6285ee48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x6285e718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, 0.000000, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, 0.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b088 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b094 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61b038 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2f28, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2f58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2f58, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2f28, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2f28, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x6285f518, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285f518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6285f518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6285f548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6285f548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x6285e018, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285e018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6285e018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285e018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6285e018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285e018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6285e018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6285e018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6285e048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6285e048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x6285f518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, -8.826364, 108.626526, 132.183823, 133.139771} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, -8.550305, 78.921791, 133.139771, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61bf80 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61bf8c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61bf30 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2028, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2058 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2058, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2028, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2028, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62861818, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62861818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62861848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62861848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62860318, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, 51.614319, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, 50.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ece8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ecf4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61ec98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a5798, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a57c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a57c8, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a5798, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a5798, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62690e18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62690e18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62690e18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62690e48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62690e48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62692a18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62692a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62692a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62692a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62690e18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, 42.787956, 108.626526, 132.183823, 133.139771} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, 41.449696, 78.921791, 133.139771, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61fbe0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61fbec Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61fb90 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a56d8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5708 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5708, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a56d8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a56d8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62691518, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62691518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62691518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62691548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62691548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62693118, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62693118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62693148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62693148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62691518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, 103.228638, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, 100.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035130 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f03513c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f0350e0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a5618, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5648 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5648, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a5618, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a5618, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62691c18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62691c18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62691c18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62691c48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62691c48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62692318, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62692318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62692348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62692348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62691c18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, 94.402275, -56.539303, 132.183823, 133.139771} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, 91.449692, -41.078209, 133.139771, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036008 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036014 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f035fb8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a5e58, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5e88 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5e88, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a5e58, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a5e58, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62690018, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62690018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62690018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62690048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62690048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62690718, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62690718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62690748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62690748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62690018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, 103.228638, 0.000000, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, 100.000000, 0.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036530 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f03653c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f0364e0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a5d98, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5dc8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5dc8, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a5d98, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a5d98, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62693818, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62693818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62693818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62693848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62693848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62865818, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62865818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62865848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62865848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62693818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, 94.402275, 26.043610, 132.183823, 133.139771} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, 91.449692, 18.921791, 133.139771, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037428 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037434 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f0373d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a5cd8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5d08 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5d08, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a5cd8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a5cd8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62864a18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62864a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62864a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62864a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62864a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62862718, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62862718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62862748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62862748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62864a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, 103.228638, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, 100.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037950 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f03795c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f037900 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a5c18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5c48 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5c48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a5c18, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a5c18, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62864318, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62864318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62864318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62864348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62864348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62863518, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62863518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62863548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62863548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62864318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.873090, 0.596993, -0.310780, -0.310676, -0.420303, 1.240172, 0.149562, 0.149513, 0.355913, 0.000054, 0.938996, 0.938683, 94.402275, 108.626526, 132.183823, 133.139771} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.845783, 0.433741, -0.310676, 0.000000, -0.407157, 0.901038, 0.149513, 0.000000, 0.344781, 0.000039, 0.938683, 0.000000, 91.449692, 78.921791, 133.139771, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f038848 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f038854 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f0387f8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a5b58, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5b88 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5b88, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a5b58, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a5b58, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62862e18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62862e18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 36. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62862e18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62862e48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62862e48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62865118, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62865118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62865148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62865148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62862e18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 3553, pname 34046, param 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f1d18, tags 0x61435738. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDepthMask: flag 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747134 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 1, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 3553, pname 10242, param 10497 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f1d18, tags 0x61435708. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 3553, pname 10243, param 10497 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f1d18, tags 0x61435708. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glBlendFunc: sfactor 1, dfactor 769 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendModeSeparate: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, colSrc 1, colDst 3, alphaSrc 1, alphaDst 3. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendMode: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, src 1, dst 3. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glEnable: cap 3042 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 5, value 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 14. Result 16 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 0. Result 32 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCreateProgram: created program 257 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCreateShader: type 35633. Created shader 261 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glShaderSource: shader 261, count 1, string 0x61413020 length 0x0 Line 0: '#version 100 precision mediump float; precision mediump int; uniform highp mat4 _gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix; attribute highp vec4 _gl4es_Vertex; attribute lowp vec4 _gl4es_Color; attribute highp vec4 _gl4es_MultiTexCoord0; // FPE_Shader generated varying vec4 Color; varying vec2 _gl4es_TexCoord_0; void main() { gl_Position = _gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * _gl4es_Vertex; Color = _gl4es_Color; _gl4es_TexCoord_0 = _gl4es_MultiTexCoord0.xy / _gl4es_MultiTexCoord0.q; } ' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCompileShader: shader 261 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CompileShader: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), tags 0x614347d8. Shader address 0x61bb7ac8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: shader 261, pname 35713, params 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCreateShader: type 35632. Created shader 262 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glShaderSource: shader 262, count 1, string 0x5f03b010 length 0x0 Line 0: '#version 100 precision mediump float; precision mediump int; // FPE_Shader generated varying vec4 Color; varying vec2 _gl4es_TexCoord_0; uniform sampler2D _gl4es_TexSampler_0; void main() { vec4 fColor = Color; vec4 texColor0 = texture2D(_gl4es_TexSampler_0, _gl4es_TexCoord_0); fColor *= texColor0; gl_FragColor = fColor; }' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCompileShader: shader 262 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CompileShader: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), tags 0x614347d8. Shader address 0x664dc038 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: shader 262, pname 35713, params 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glAttachShader: program 257, shader 261 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glAttachShader: program 257, shader 262 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glLinkProgram: program 257 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateShaderPipeline: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), tags 0x614349f8. Shader pipeline address 0x641f1b38 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x61bb7ac8, objectType 0. Shader count 3 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61bb7ac8, objectType 0, index 0, tags 0x61434928. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61bb7ac8, objectType 0, index 1, tags 0x61434928. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61bb7ac8, objectType 0, index 2, tags 0x61434928. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x61bb7ac8, objectType 0. Shader count 3 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61bb7ac8, objectType 0, index 0, tags 0x61434928. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61bb7ac8, objectType 0, index 1, tags 0x61434928. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61bb7ac8, objectType 0, index 2, tags 0x61434928. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x61bb7ac8, objectType 3. Shader count 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61bb7ac8, objectType 3, index 0, tags 0x61434928. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x61bb7ac8, objectType 3. Shader count 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61bb7ac8, objectType 3, index 0, tags 0x61434928. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x61bb7ac8, objectType 2. Shader count 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x61bb7ac8, objectType 2. Shader count 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61bb7ac8, objectType 0, index 0, tags 0x614347b8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61bb7ac8, objectType 0, index 1, tags 0x614347b8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61bb7ac8, objectType 0, index 2, tags 0x614347b8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x61bb7ac8, objectType 3, index 0, tags 0x614347b8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x664dc038, objectType 0. Shader count 2 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x664dc038, objectType 0, index 0, tags 0x61434928. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x664dc038, objectType 0, index 1, tags 0x61434928. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x664dc038, objectType 0. Shader count 2 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x664dc038, objectType 0, index 0, tags 0x61434928. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x664dc038, objectType 0, index 1, tags 0x61434928. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x664dc038, objectType 3. Shader count 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x664dc038, objectType 3. Shader count 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x664dc038, objectType 2. Shader count 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x664dc038, objectType 2, index 0, tags 0x61434928. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x664dc038, objectType 2. Shader count 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x664dc038, objectType 2, index 0, tags 0x61434928. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x664dc038, objectType 0, index 0, tags 0x614347b8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x664dc038, objectType 0, index 1, tags 0x614347b8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x664dc038, objectType 2, index 0, tags 0x614347b8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetTotalStorage: shader 0x61bb7ac8. Size 64 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetTotalStorage: shader 0x664dc038. Size 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x61848258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61848258, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x61849328 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x618493e8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x618493e8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x618494a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x618494a8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x61849568 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61849568, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x61849628 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61849628, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x618496e8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x618496e8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x618497a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x618497a8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x61849868 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61849868, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x61849928 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61849928, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x618499e8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x618499e8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x61849aa8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61849aa8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x61849b68 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61849b68, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x61849c28 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61849c28, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x61849ce8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61849ce8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x61849da8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61849da8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x61849e68 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61849e68, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x61849f28 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61849f28, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x61849028 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61849028, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x618490e8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x618490e8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x618491a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x618491a8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x61849268 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x61849268, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c366d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c366d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c36798 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c36798, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c36858 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c36858, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c36918 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c36918, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c369d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c369d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c36a98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c36a98, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c36b58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c36b58, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c36c18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c36c18, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c36cd8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c36cd8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c36d98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c36d98, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c36e58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c36e58, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c36f18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c36f18, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c36018 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c36018, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c360d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c360d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c36198 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c36198, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c36258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c36258, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c36318 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c36318, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c363d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c363d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c36498 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c36498, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c36558 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c36558, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62c36618 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c36618, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62856558 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62856558, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x628563d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628563d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62856318 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62856318, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62856258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62856258, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62856198 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62856198, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x628560d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628560d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62856018 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62856018, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62856f18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62856f18, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62856e58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62856e58, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62856d98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62856d98, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62856cd8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62856cd8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62856c18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62856c18, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62856b58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62856b58, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62856a98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62856a98, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x628569d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628569d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62856918 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62856918, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62856858 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62856858, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62856498 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62856498, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62856618 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62856618, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x628566d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628566d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 64, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434998. Data buffer object address 0x62856798 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62856798, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x61bb7ac8, tags 0x6143499c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetError: error 0 (GL_NO_ERROR) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 257, pname 35714, params 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 257, pname 35718, params 2 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 257, pname 35719, params 33 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 257, index 0, bufSize 33, length 32, size 1, type 35676, name '_gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 257, name '_gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix'. Location 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 257, index 1, bufSize 33, length 19, size 1, type 35678, name '_gl4es_TexSampler_0' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 257, name '_gl4es_TexSampler_0'. Location 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 257, pname 35721, params 3 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 257, pname 35722, params 22 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveAttrib: program 257, index 0, bufSize 22, length 13, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_Vertex' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetAttribLocation: program 257, name '_gl4es_Vertex'. Location 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveAttrib: program 257, index 1, bufSize 22, length 12, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_Color' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetAttribLocation: program 257, name '_gl4es_Color'. Location 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveAttrib: program 257, index 2, bufSize 22, length 21, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_MultiTexCoord0' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetAttribLocation: program 257, name '_gl4es_MultiTexCoord0'. Location 2 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUseProgram program 257 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetShaderPipeline: renderState 0x63368358, shaderPipeline 0x641f1b38. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 0, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {1.032286, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.376382, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000333, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform1iv: location 1, count 1 v0 { 0 } Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f0353f4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 4, type 5121, normalized 1, stride 0, pointer 0x5f171e70 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035410 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f035484 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6638a3a8, texSampler 0x641f1d18. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x61849328, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x61849358 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x61849358, writeOffset 0, writeSize 64. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62be1e18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be1e18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be1e18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be1e48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be1e48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62be4118, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be4118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be4148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be4148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1e18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037c34 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037c50 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f037cc4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62be1718, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be1718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be1748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be1748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62be1018, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be1018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be1018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be1018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be1018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be1018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be1018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be1018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be1048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be1048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036814 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036830 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f0368a4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747137 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62be2c18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be2c18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be2c18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be2c48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be2c48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62be3318, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be3318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be3348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be3348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be2c18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b3f4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b410 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f17b484 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62be9e18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9e18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be9e18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be9e48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be9e48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62beac18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62beac18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62beac48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62beac48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be9e18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b90c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b928 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f17b99c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62beb318, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beb318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62beb318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62beb348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62beb348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62be9018, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be9018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be9048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be9048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62beb318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61c78c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61c7a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61c81c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62beba18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beba18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62beba18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62beba48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62beba48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62be9718, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be9718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be9748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be9748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62beba18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f613aac Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f613ac8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f613b3c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62bea518, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bea518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bea518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bea548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bea548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62bec818, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bec818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bec848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bec848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62bea518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c854 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c870 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f17c8e4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62866718, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62866718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62866718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62866748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62869118, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62869118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62869148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62869148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62866e18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618b2c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618b48 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f618bbc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62867518, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62867518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62867518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62867548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62867548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62869818, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62869818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62869848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62869848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62867518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61dbac Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61dbc8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61dc3c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x62868318, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62868318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62868318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62868348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62868348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x626d8c18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626d8c18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626d8c48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626d8c48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62868318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f613e34 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f613e50 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f613ec4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x626d7718, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d7718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626d7718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626d7748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626d7748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x626da118, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626da118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626da148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626da148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x626d7718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035b04 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035b20 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f035b94 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x626d7018, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d7018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626d7018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626d7048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626d7048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x626d8518, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626d8518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626d8548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626d8548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x626d7018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f612a94 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f612ab0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f612b24 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x626d9a18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d9a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626d9a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626d9a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626d9a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x626d9318, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626d9318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626d9348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626d9348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x626d9a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61770c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617728 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61779c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x626d7e18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d7e18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626d7e18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626d7e48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626d7e48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x628b3c18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b3c18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b3c48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b3c48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x626d7e18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f038344 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f038360 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f0383d4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x628b2e18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b2e18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b2e18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b2e48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b2e48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x628b5118, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b5118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b5118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b5118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b5118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b5118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b5118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b5118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b5148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b5148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x628b2e18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b36c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b388 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61b3fc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x628b2018, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b2018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b2018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b2048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b2048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x628b3518, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b3518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b3548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b3548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x628b2018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f03577c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035798 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f03580c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x628b4a18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b4a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b4a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b4a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b4a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x628b2718, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b2718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b2748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b2748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x628b4a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6162ec Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616308 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61637c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x628b5818, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b5818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b5818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b5848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b5848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x628b4318, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b4318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b4348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b4348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x628b5818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619f4c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619f68 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f619fdc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x639a1818, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a1818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x639a1818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x639a1848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x639a1848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x639a0a18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a0a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. R9e018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6399e048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6399e048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x639a0318, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a0318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x639a0318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a0318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x639a0318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a0318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x639a0318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x639a0318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x639a0348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x639a0348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x6399e018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037fbc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037fd8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f03804c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x67853718, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67853718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x67853718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x67853748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x67853748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x67853018, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67853018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x67853018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67853018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x67853018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67853018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x67853018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x67853018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x67853048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x67853048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x67853718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61cb14 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61cb30 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61cba4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x67856118, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67856118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x67856118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x67856148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x67856148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x67854518, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67854518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x67854518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67854518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x67854518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67854518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x67854518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x67854518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x67854548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x67854548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x67856118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6141bc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6141d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61424c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x67853e18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67853e18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x67853e18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x67853e48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x67853e48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x67855a18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67855a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x67855a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67855a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x67855a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67855a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x67855a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x67855a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x67855a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x67855a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x67853e18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618eb4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618ed0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f618f44 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x67856818, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67856818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x67856818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x67856848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x67856848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x67855318, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67855318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x67855318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67855318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x67855318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67855318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x67855318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x67855318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x67855348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x67855348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x67856818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036b9c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036bb8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f036c2c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x67854c18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67854c18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x67854c18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x67854c48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x67854c48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x6399b518, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399b518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399b518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399b518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399b518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399b518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399b518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6399b518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6399b548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6399b548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x67854c18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617a94 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617ab0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f617b24 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x6399a018, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399a018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6399a018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6399a048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6399a048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x6399d818, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399d818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399d818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399d818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399d818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399d818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399d818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6399d818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6399d848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6399d848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x6399a018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ce9c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ceb8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61cf2c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x6399d118, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399d118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6399d118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6399d148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6399d148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x6399a718, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6399a718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6399a748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6399a748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x6399d118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616674 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616690 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f616704 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x6399bc18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399bc18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6399bc18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6399bc48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6399bc48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x6399ca18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6399ca18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6399ca48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6399ca48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x6399bc18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61f6dc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61f6f8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61f76c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x6399ae18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399ae18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6399ae18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6399ae48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6399ae48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x628ac318, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628ac318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628ac348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628ac348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x6399ae18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f612ddc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f612df8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f612e6c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 128, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x628ad818, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ad818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628ad818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628ad848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628ad848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 24. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435798. Buffer address 0x628ab518, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628ab518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628ab548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628ab548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x628ad818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61f354 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61f370 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61f3e4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747157 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_WaitDone: submitID 747137, timeout 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285e718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6285e718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6285e748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6285e748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_WaitDone: submitID 747137, timeout 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6285ee18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6285ee48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6285ee48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x6285e718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6155dc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6155f8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61566c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6605d718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6605d718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6605d748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6605d748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6605f318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6605f348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6605f348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x6605d718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b6f4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b710 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61b784 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63995818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63995818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63995848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63995848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63993518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63993518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63993518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63993518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63993518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63993518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63993518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63993548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63993548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x63995818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61e2bc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61e2d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61e34c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63994a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63994a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63994a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63994a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63995118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63995118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63995118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63995118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63995118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63995118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63995118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63995148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63995148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x63994a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617e1c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617e38 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f617eac Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63994318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63994318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63994348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63994348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63992e18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63992e48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63992e48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x63994318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61923c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f6192cc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63993c18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63993c18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63993c48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63993c48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63992718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63992748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63992748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x63993c18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61df34 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61df50 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61dfc4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626dfe18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626dfe18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626dfe48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626dfe48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626e0518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626e0548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626e0548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x626dfe18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61a2d4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61a2f0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61a364 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e1318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626e1318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626e1348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626e1348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626df018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626df048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626df048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x626e1318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ba7c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ba98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61bb0c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e0c18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626e0c18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626e0c48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626e0c48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e2818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626e2818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e2818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626e2818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e2818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626e2818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626e2818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626e2848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626e2848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x626e0c18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6169fc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616a18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f616a8c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e2118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626e2118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626e2148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626e2148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626df718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626df718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626df718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626df718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626df748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626df748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x626e2118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61a65c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61a678 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61a6ec Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e1a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626e1a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626e1a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626e1a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62beec18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62beec48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62beec48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x626e1a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDisable: cap 3042 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747158 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 5, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 3553, texture 257 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 3553, pname 10240, param 9728 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f1ef8, tags 0x61435758. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 3553, pname 10241, param 9728 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f1ef8, tags 0x61435758. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 3553, pname 34046, param 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f1ef8, tags 0x61435758. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDisable: cap 2929 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 0, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glPolygonOffset: factor -1.000000, units 0.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetPolygonOffset: renderState 0x63368358, factor 0.000000, units 0.000000, clamp 0.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glLineWidth: width 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetLineWidth: renderState 0x63368358, width 1.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 3553, pname 10242, param 10497 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f1ef8, tags 0x61435728. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 3553, pname 10243, param 10497 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f1ef8, tags 0x61435728. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glBlendFunc: sfactor 770, dfactor 771 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendModeSeparate: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, colSrc 6, colDst 7, alphaSrc 6, alphaDst 7. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendMode: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, src 6, dst 7. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glEnable: cap 3042 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 5, value 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 14. Result 16 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Query: query 0. Result 32 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCreateProgram: created program 258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCreateShader: type 35633. Created shader 263 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glShaderSource: shader 263, count 1, string 0x5f041cf8 length 0x0 Line 0: '#version 100 precision mediump float; precision mediump int; uniform highp mat4 _gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix; attribute highp vec4 _gl4es_Vertex; attribute lowp vec4 _gl4es_Color; attribute highp vec4 _gl4es_MultiTexCoord0; // FPE_Shader generated varying vec4 Color; varying vec2 _gl4es_TexCoord_0; void main() { gl_Position = _gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * _gl4es_Vertex; Color = _gl4es_Color; _gl4es_TexCoord_0 = _gl4es_MultiTexCoord0.xy / _gl4es_MultiTexCoord0.q; } ' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCompileShader: shader 263 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CompileShader: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), tags 0x614346a8. Shader address 0x6137cf48 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: shader 263, pname 35713, params 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCreateShader: type 35632. Created shader 264 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glShaderSource: shader 264, count 1, string 0x5f0399b0 length 0x0 Line 0: '#version 100 precision mediump float; precision mediump int; // FPE_Shader generated varying vec4 Color; varying vec2 _gl4es_TexCoord_0; uniform sampler2D _gl4es_TexSampler_0; uniform float _gl4es_AlphaRef; void main() { vec4 fColor = Color; vec4 texColor0 = texture2D(_gl4es_TexSampler_0, _gl4es_TexCoord_0); vec4 Arg0, Arg1, Arg2; Arg0.rgb = texColor0.rgb; Arg0.a = texColor0.a; Arg1.rgb = Color.rgb; fColor.rgb = Arg0.rgb * Arg1.rgb; fColor.a = Arg0.a; fColor = clamp(fColor, 0., 1.); if (floor(fColor.a*255.) <= _gl4es_AlphaRef) discard; gl_FragColor = fColor; }' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glCompileShader: shader 264 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CompileShader: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), tags 0x614346a8. Shader address 0x64069c98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: shader 264, pname 35713, params 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glAttachShader: program 258, shader 263 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glAttachShader: program 258, shader 264 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glLinkProgram: program 258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateShaderPipeline: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), tags 0x614348c8. Shader pipeline address 0x641f1958 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x6137cf48, objectType 0. Shader count 3 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x6137cf48, objectType 0, index 0, tags 0x614347f8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x6137cf48, objectType 0, index 1, tags 0x614347f8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x6137cf48, objectType 0, index 2, tags 0x614347f8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x6137cf48, objectType 0. Shader count 3 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x6137cf48, objectType 0, index 0, tags 0x614347f8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x6137cf48, objectType 0, index 1, tags 0x614347f8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x6137cf48, objectType 0, index 2, tags 0x614347f8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x6137cf48, objectType 3. Shader count 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x6137cf48, objectType 3, index 0, tags 0x614347f8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x6137cf48, objectType 3. Shader count 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x6137cf48, objectType 3, index 0, tags 0x614347f8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x6137cf48, objectType 2. Shader count 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x6137cf48, objectType 2. Shader count 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x6137cf48, objectType 0, index 0, tags 0x61434688. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x6137cf48, objectType 0, index 1, tags 0x61434688. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x6137cf48, objectType 0, index 2, tags 0x61434688. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x6137cf48, objectType 3, index 0, tags 0x61434688. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x64069c98, objectType 0. Shader count 2 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x64069c98, objectType 0, index 0, tags 0x614347f8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x64069c98, objectType 0, index 1, tags 0x614347f8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x64069c98, objectType 0. Shader count 2 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x64069c98, objectType 0, index 0, tags 0x614347f8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x64069c98, objectType 0, index 1, tags 0x614347f8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x64069c98, objectType 3. Shader count 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x64069c98, objectType 3, index 0, tags 0x614347f8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x64069c98, objectType 3. Shader count 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x64069c98, objectType 3, index 0, tags 0x614347f8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x64069c98, objectType 2. Shader count 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x64069c98, objectType 2, index 0, tags 0x614347f8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetCount: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), shader 0x64069c98, objectType 2. Shader count 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x64069c98, objectType 2, index 0, tags 0x614347f8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x64069c98, objectType 0, index 0, tags 0x61434688. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x64069c98, objectType 0, index 1, tags 0x61434688. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x64069c98, objectType 3, index 0, tags 0x61434688. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: shader 0x64069c98, objectType 2, index 0, tags 0x61434688. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetTotalStorage: shader 0x6137cf48. Size 64 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_ShaderGetTotalStorage: shader 0x64069c98. Size 4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62c2f568 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c2f568, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c2f568, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62c2f4a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62c2f628 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c2f628, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c2f628, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62c2f6e8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c2f6e8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c2f6e8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62c2f7a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c2f7a8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c2f7a8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62c2f0e8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c2f0e8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c2f0e8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62c2f868 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c2f868, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c2f868, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62c2f928 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c2f928, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62c2f928, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62895c18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895c18, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895c18, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62895cd8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895cd8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895cd8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62895d98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895d98, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895d98, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62895e58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895e58, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895e58, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62895f18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895f18, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895f18, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62895018 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895018, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895018, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x628950d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628950d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628950d8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62895198 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895198, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895198, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62895258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895258, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895258, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62895318 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895318, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895318, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x628953d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628953d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628953d8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62895498 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895498, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895498, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffeell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62895b58, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x628936d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628936d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628936d8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62893798 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893798, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893798, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62893858 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893858, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893858, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62893918 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893918, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893918, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x628939d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628939d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628939d8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62893a98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893a98, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893a98, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62893b58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893b58, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893b58, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62893c18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893c18, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893c18, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62893cd8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893cd8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893cd8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62893d98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893d98, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893d98, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62893e58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893e58, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893e58, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62893f18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893f18, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893f18, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62893018 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893018, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893018, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x628930d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628930d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628930d8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62893198 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893198, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893198, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62893258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893258, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893258, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62893318 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893318, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893318, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x628933d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628933d8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x628933d8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62893498 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893498, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893498, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62893558 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893558, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893558, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62893618 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893618, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62893618, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62788028 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62788028, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62788028, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x627880e8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x627880e8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x627880e8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x627881a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x627881a8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x627881a8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62788268 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62788268, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62788268, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62788328 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62788328, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62788328, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x627883e8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x627883e8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x627883e8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x627884a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x627884a8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x627884a8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62788568 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62788568, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62788568, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62788628 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62788628, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62788628, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x627886e8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x627886e8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x627886e8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x627887a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x627887a8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x627887a8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62788868 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62788868, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62788868, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62788928 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62788928, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62788928, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateDataBufferObject: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), size 68, usage 6, maxBuffers 2, tags 0x61434868. Data buffer object address 0x62788aa8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62788aa8, bufferIdx 0, offset 0. size 64, targetShader 0x6137cf48, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOSetBuffer: dataBuffer 0x62788aa8, bufferIdx 1, offset 64. size 4, targetShader 0x64069c98, tags 0x6143486c. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetError: error 0 (GL_NO_ERROR) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 258, pname 35714, params 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 258, pname 35718, params 3 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 258, pname 35719, params 33 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 258, index 0, bufSize 33, length 32, size 1, type 35676, name '_gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 258, name '_gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix'. Location 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 258, index 1, bufSize 33, length 15, size 1, type 5126, name '_gl4es_AlphaRef' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 258, name '_gl4es_AlphaRef'. Location 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 258, index 2, bufSize 33, length 19, size 1, type 35678, name '_gl4es_TexSampler_0' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 258, name '_gl4es_TexSampler_0'. Location 2 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 258, pname 35721, params 3 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 258, pname 35722, params 22 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveAttrib: program 258, index 0, bufSize 22, length 13, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_Vertex' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetAttribLocation: program 258, name '_gl4es_Vertex'. Location 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveAttrib: program 258, index 1, bufSize 22, length 12, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_Color' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetAttribLocation: program 258, name '_gl4es_Color'. Location 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetActiveAttrib: program 258, index 2, bufSize 22, length 21, size 1, type 35666, name '_gl4es_MultiTexCoord0' Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glGetAttribLocation: program 258, name '_gl4es_MultiTexCoord0'. Location 2 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUseProgram program 258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetShaderPipeline: renderState 0x63368358, shaderPipeline 0x641f1958. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 0, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.003125, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -0.004167, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.500000, 0.000000, -0.998828, 0.998438, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform1iv: location 2, count 1 v0 { 0 } Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 4, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 80, pointer 0x60d5d2c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDisableVertexAttribArray: index 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 4, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 80, pointer 0x60d5d2e8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 114, type 5123, indices 0x60d68d98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6111d738, texSampler 0x641f1ef8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x62c2f4a8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x62c2f4d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62c2f4d8, writeOffset 0, writeSize 68. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x62bed718 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 456, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435668. Buffer address 0x62bed718, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bed718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 114. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bed718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bed748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bed748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 456. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x62bed018 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 7296, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435668. Buffer address 0x62bed018, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 96, offset 0, count 76. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 0, offset 16, count 76. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 96, offset 32, count 76. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bed018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bed048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bed048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 7296. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 114, indexBuffer 0x62bed718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 96, type 5123, indices 0x60d68d98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x62befa18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 384, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435668. Buffer address 0x62befa18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62befa18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 96. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62befa18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62befa48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62befa48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 384. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x62bede18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 6144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435668. Buffer address 0x62bede18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 96, offset 0, count 64. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 0, offset 16, count 64. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 96, offset 32, count 64. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bede18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bede48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bede48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 6144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 96, indexBuffer 0x62befa18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 84, type 5123, indices 0x60d68d98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x62bf0118 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 336, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435978. Buffer address 0x62bf0118, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bf0118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 84. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bf0118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bf0148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bf0148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x62bf0818 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 5376, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435978. Buffer address 0x62bf0818, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bf0818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 96, offset 0, count 56. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62bf0818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bf0818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 0, offset 16, count 56. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62bf0818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bf0818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 96, offset 32, count 56. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62bf0818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bf0818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bf0848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bf0848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 5376. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 84, indexBuffer 0x62bf0118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glFlush Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747163 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_aglSwapBuffers Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glClearColor: red 0.392157, green 0.396078, blue 0.549020, alpha 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDepthMask: flag 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 1, value 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glClear: mask 0x4100 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Clear: renderState 0x63368358, colour 0x6630ea44, depth 0x6630ea38, stencil 0x0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747337 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDisable: cap 3042 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 5, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glEnable: cap 2929 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 0, value 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glPolygonOffset: factor -1.000000, units 0.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetPolygonOffset: renderState 0x63368358, factor 0.000000, units 0.000000, clamp 0.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glLineWidth: width 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetLineWidth: renderState 0x63368358, width 1.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUseProgram program 256 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetShaderPipeline: renderState 0x63368358, shaderPipeline 0x641f1c28. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, -103.228638, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, -100.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix3fv: location 109, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985704, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 100, count 1 v0 {8.286720, -19.699289, 105.074745, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 87, count 1 v0 {8.286720, 40.300713, 105.074745, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 74, count 1 v0 {-41.713280, -19.699289, 105.074745, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 59, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 60, count 1 v0 {0.300000, 0.300000, 1.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 61, count 1 v0 {-41.713280, 40.300713, 105.074745, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 1, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.800000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 48, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 49, count 1 v0 {0.300000, 0.300000, 1.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 50, count 1 v0 {58.286720, -19.699289, 105.074745, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 45, count 1 v0 {0.000000, 0.000000, 0.800000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 37, count 1 v0 {58.286720, 40.300713, 105.074745, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 24, count 1 v0 {8.286720, -79.699287, 105.074745, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 9, count 1 v0 {1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 10, count 1 v0 {1.000000, 0.300000, 0.300000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 11, count 1 v0 {18.955263, 27.040895, 132.342621, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 6, count 1 v0 {0.800000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b180 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glEnableVertexAttribArray: index 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b18c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 4, type 5121, normalized 1, stride 0, pointer 0x5f171e70 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f1705c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a5a98, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5ac8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5ac8, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a5a98, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a5a98, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bee518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bee548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bee548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62861118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62861148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62861148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, -124.495461, -77.942589, 131.325226, 132.281448} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, -120.601669, -56.628609, 132.281448, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c0f8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c104 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f17c0a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a23e8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2418 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2418, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a23e8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a23e8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62860a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62860a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62860a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, -103.228638, 0.000000, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, -100.000000, 0.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c580 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c58c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f17c530 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747338 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3b58, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3b88 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3b88, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3b58, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3b58, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, -124.495461, 4.640324, 131.325226, 132.281448} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, -120.601669, 3.371392, 132.281448, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6132a0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6132ac Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f613250 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3a98, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3ac8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3ac8, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3a98, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3a98, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, -103.228638, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, -100.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6137c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6137d4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f613778 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3c18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3c48 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3c48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3c18, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3c18, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, -124.495461, 87.223236, 131.325226, 132.281448} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, -120.601669, 63.371391, 132.281448, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6146c0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6146cc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f614670 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3cd8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3d08 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3d08, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3cd8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3cd8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, -51.614319, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, -50.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f614be8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f614bf4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f614b98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3d98, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3dc8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3dc8, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3d98, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3d98, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, -72.881142, -77.942589, 131.325226, 132.281448} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, -70.601669, -56.628609, 132.281448, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f615ae0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f615aec Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f615a90 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3e58, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3e88 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3e88, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3e58, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3e58, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, -51.614319, 0.000000, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, -50.000000, 0.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616008 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616014 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f615fb8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3f18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3f48 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3f48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3f18, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3f18, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, -72.881142, 4.640324, 131.325226, 132.281448} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, -70.601669, 3.371392, 132.281448, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616f00 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616f0c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f616eb0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3048 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3018, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3018, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, -51.614319, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, -50.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617428 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617434 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f6173d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee30d8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3108 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3108, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee30d8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee30d8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, -72.881142, 87.223236, 131.325226, 132.281448} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, -70.601669, 63.371391, 132.281448, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618320 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61832c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f6182d0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3198, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee31c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee31c8, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3198, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3198, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, 0.000000, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, 0.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618848 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618854 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f6187f8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3258, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3288 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3288, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3258, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3258, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, -21.266819, -77.942589, 131.325226, 132.281448} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, -20.601665, -56.628609, 132.281448, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619740 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61974c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f6196f0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3348 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3318, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3318, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, 0.000000, 0.000000, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619c68 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619c74 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f619c18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee33d8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3408 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3408, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee33d8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee33d8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, -21.266819, 4.640324, 131.325226, 132.281448} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, -20.601665, 3.371392, 132.281448, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ab60 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ab6c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61ab10 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3498, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee34c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee34c8, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3498, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3498, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, 0.000000, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, 0.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b088 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b094 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61b038 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3558, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3588 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3588, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3558, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3558, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, -21.266819, 87.223236, 131.325226, 132.281448} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, -20.601665, 63.371391, 132.281448, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61bf80 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61bf8c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61bf30 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3618, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3648 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3648, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3618, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3618, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, 51.614319, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, 50.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61c4a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61c4b4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61c458 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee36d8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3708 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3708, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee36d8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee36d8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, 30.347502, -77.942589, 131.325226, 132.281448} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, 29.398335, -56.628609, 132.281448, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61d3a0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61d3ac Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61d350 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3798, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee37c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee37c8, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3798, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3798, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, 51.614319, 0.000000, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, 50.000000, 0.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61d8c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61d8d4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61d878 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3858, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3888 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3888, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3858, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3858, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, 30.347502, 4.640324, 131.325226, 132.281448} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, 29.398335, 3.371392, 132.281448, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61e7c0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61e7cc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61e770 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3918, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3948 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3948, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3918, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3918, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, 51.614319, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, 50.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ece8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ecf4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61ec98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee39d8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3a08 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3a08, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee39d8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee39d8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, 30.347502, 87.223236, 131.325226, 132.281448} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, 29.398335, 63.371391, 132.281448, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61fbe0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61fbec Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61fb90 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x61f15b68, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x61f15b98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x61f15b98, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61f15b68, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61f15b68, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, 103.228638, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, 100.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035130 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f03513c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f0350e0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x61f15aa8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x61f15ad8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x61f15ad8, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61f15aa8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61f15aa8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, 81.961815, -77.942589, 131.325226, 132.281448} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, 79.398331, -56.628609, 132.281448, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036008 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036014 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f035fb8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x61f15c28, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x61f15c58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x61f15c58, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61f15c28, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61f15c28, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, 103.228638, 0.000000, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, 100.000000, 0.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036530 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f03653c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f0364e0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x61f15ce8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x61f15d18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x61f15d18, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61f15ce8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61f15ce8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, 81.961815, 4.640324, 131.325226, 132.281448} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, 79.398331, 3.371392, 132.281448, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037428 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037434 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f0373d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x61f15da8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x61f15dd8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x61f15dd8, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61f15da8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61f15da8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, 103.228638, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, 100.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037950 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f03795c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f037900 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x61f15e68, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x61f15e98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x61f15e98, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61f15e68, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61f15e68, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.088145, 0.199919, -0.986032, -0.985703, -1.012706, 0.220968, 0.108677, 0.108640, 0.179646, 1.343738, 0.128829, 0.128786, 81.961815, 87.223236, 131.325226, 132.281448} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.085388, 0.145250, -0.985703, 0.000000, -0.981032, 0.160543, 0.108640, 0.000000, 0.174027, 0.976283, 0.128786, 0.000000, 79.398331, 63.371391, 132.281448, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f038848 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f038854 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f0387f8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x61f15f28, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x61f15f58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x61f15f58, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61f15f28, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61f15f28, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 3553, texture 258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 3553, pname 34046, param 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f1d18, tags 0x61435738. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDepthMask: flag 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747339 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 1, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glBlendFunc: sfactor 1, dfactor 769 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendModeSeparate: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, colSrc 1, colDst 3, alphaSrc 1, alphaDst 3. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendMode: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, src 1, dst 3. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glEnable: cap 3042 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 5, value 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUseProgram program 257 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetShaderPipeline: renderState 0x63368358, shaderPipeline 0x641f1b38. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f03577c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 4, type 5121, normalized 1, stride 0, pointer 0x5f171e70 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035798 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f03580c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6638a3a8, texSampler 0x641f1d18. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285fc18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 6. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6285fc18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6285fc48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6285fc48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be1018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be1018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be1018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be1018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be1018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be1018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be1018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be1048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be1048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x6285fc18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037c34 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037c50 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f037cc4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be1718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be1748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be1748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285e018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6285e018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285e018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6285e018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285e018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6285e018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6285e018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6285e048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6285e048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b90c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b928 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f17b99c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62860318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62860348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62860348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037fbc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037fd8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f03804c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63996e18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63996e18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63996e18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63996e18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63996e18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63996e18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63996e18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63996e48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63996e48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036b9c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036bb8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f036c2c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63997518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63997518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63997518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63997518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63997518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63997518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63997518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63997548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63997548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f0353f4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035410 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f035484 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63997c18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63997c18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63997c18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63997c18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63997c18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63997c18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63997c18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63997c48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63997c48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61cb14 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61cb30 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61cba4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63999818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63999818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63999818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63999818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63999818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63999818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63999818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63999848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63999848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036814 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036830 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f0368a4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62692a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62692a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62692a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f613aac Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f613ac8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f613b3c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62693118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62693148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62693148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f613e34 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f613e50 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f613ec4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62692318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62692348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62692348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f615254 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f615270 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f6152e4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62690718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62690748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62690748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f612a94 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f612ab0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f612b24 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62865818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62865848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62865848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61efcc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61efe8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61f05c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62862718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62862748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62862748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035b04 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035b20 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f035b94 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62863518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62863548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62863548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618eb4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618ed0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f618f44 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62865118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62865148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62865148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61f354 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61f370 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61f3e4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be4118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be4148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be4148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61770c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617728 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61779c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747340 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_WaitDone: submitID 747157, timeout 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628ac318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628ac348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628ac348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61df34 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61df50 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61dfc4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628ab518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628ab548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628ab548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17bc54 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17bc70 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f17bce4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b2718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b2748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b2748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b36c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b388 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61b3fc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6399a718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6399a748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6399a748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ce9c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ceb8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61cf2c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6399ca18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6399ca48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6399ca48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f612ddc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f612df8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f612e6c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b3518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b3548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b3548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f614ecc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f614ee8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f614f5c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be3318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be3348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be3348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6162ec Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616308 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61637c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62beac18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62beac48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62beac48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6155dc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6155f8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61566c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be9018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be9048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be9048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618b2c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618b48 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f618bbc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be9718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be9748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be9748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619f4c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619f68 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f619fdc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bec818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bec848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bec848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61923c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f6192cc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62868a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62868a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62868a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62868a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62868a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62868a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62868a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62868a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62868a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61f6dc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61f6f8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61f76c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62866018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62866018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62866018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62866018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62866018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62866018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62866018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62866048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62866048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61e2bc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61e2d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61e34c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62869118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62869148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62869148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617e1c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617e38 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f617eac Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62869818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62869848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62869848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6169fc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616a18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f616a8c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626d8c18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626d8c48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626d8c48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ba7c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ba98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61bb0c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626da118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626da148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626da148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61a65c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61a678 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61a6ec Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626d8518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626d8548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626d8548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDisable: cap 3042 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747341 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 5, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 3553, texture 257 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 3553, pname 34046, param 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f1ef8, tags 0x61435758. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDisable: cap 2929 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 0, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glPolygonOffset: factor -1.000000, units 0.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetPolygonOffset: renderState 0x63368358, factor 0.000000, units 0.000000, clamp 0.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glLineWidth: width 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetLineWidth: renderState 0x63368358, width 1.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glBlendFunc: sfactor 770, dfactor 771 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendModeSeparate: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, colSrc 6, colDst 7, alphaSrc 6, alphaDst 7. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendMode: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, src 6, dst 7. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glEnable: cap 3042 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 5, value 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUseProgram program 258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetShaderPipeline: renderState 0x63368358, shaderPipeline 0x641f1958. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 4, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 80, pointer 0x60d5d2c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDisableVertexAttribArray: index 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 4, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 80, pointer 0x60d5d2e8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 114, type 5123, indices 0x60d68d98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6111d738, texSampler 0x641f1ef8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x6285f518 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 456, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435668. Buffer address 0x6285f518, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285f518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 114. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6285f518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6285f548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6285f548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 456. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x626d9318 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 7296, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435668. Buffer address 0x626d9318, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 96, offset 0, count 76. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 0, offset 16, count 76. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 96, offset 32, count 76. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626d9318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626d9348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626d9348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 7296. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 114, indexBuffer 0x6285f518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 96, type 5123, indices 0x60d68d98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x62861818 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 384, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435668. Buffer address 0x62861818, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 96. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62861818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62861848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62861848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 384. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x628b3c18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 6144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435668. Buffer address 0x628b3c18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 96, offset 0, count 64. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 0, offset 16, count 64. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 96, offset 32, count 64. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b3c18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b3c48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b3c48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 6144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 96, indexBuffer 0x62861818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 84, type 5123, indices 0x60d68d98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x63996018 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 336, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435978. Buffer address 0x63996018, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63996018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 84. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63996018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63996048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63996048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x628b5118 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 5376, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435978. Buffer address 0x628b5118, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b5118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 96, offset 0, count 56. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b5118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b5118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 0, offset 16, count 56. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b5118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b5118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 96, offset 32, count 56. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b5118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b5118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b5148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b5148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 5376. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 84, indexBuffer 0x63996018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glFlush Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747344 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_aglSwapBuffers Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glClearColor: red 0.392157, green 0.396078, blue 0.549020, alpha 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDepthMask: flag 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 1, value 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glClear: mask 0x4100 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Clear: renderState 0x63368358, colour 0x6630ea44, depth 0x6630ea38, stencil 0x0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747348 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDisable: cap 3042 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 5, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glEnable: cap 2929 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 0, value 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glPolygonOffset: factor -1.000000, units 0.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetPolygonOffset: renderState 0x63368358, factor 0.000000, units 0.000000, clamp 0.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glLineWidth: width 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetLineWidth: renderState 0x63368358, width 1.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUseProgram program 256 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetShaderPipeline: renderState 0x63368358, shaderPipeline 0x641f1c28. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, -103.228638, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, -100.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix3fv: location 109, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997315, -0.996172, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 100, count 1 v0 {11.420948, -20.716417, 107.231781, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 87, count 1 v0 {11.420948, 39.283585, 107.231781, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 74, count 1 v0 {-38.579052, -20.716417, 107.231781, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 61, count 1 v0 {-38.579052, 39.283585, 107.231781, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 50, count 1 v0 {61.420948, -20.716417, 107.231781, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 37, count 1 v0 {61.420948, 39.283585, 107.231781, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 24, count 1 v0 {11.420948, -80.716415, 107.231781, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 11, count 1 v0 {16.180441, 28.868017, 130.911530, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b180 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glEnableVertexAttribArray: index 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b18c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 4, type 5121, normalized 1, stride 0, pointer 0x5f171e70 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f1705c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x61f15028, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x61f15058 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x61f15058, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61f15028, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61f15028, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, -124.823662, -80.507278, 130.090317, 131.046951} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, -120.919601, -58.491962, 131.046951, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c0f8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c104 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f17c0a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x61f150e8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x61f15118 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x61f15118, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61f150e8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61f150e8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, -103.228638, 0.000000, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, -100.000000, 0.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c580 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c58c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f17c530 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x61f151a8, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x61f151d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x61f151d8, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61f151a8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61f151a8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, -124.823662, 2.075634, 130.090317, 131.046951} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, -120.919601, 1.508037, 131.046951, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6132a0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6132ac Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f613250 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x61f15268, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x61f15298 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x61f15298, writeOffset 0, writeSize 1352. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61f15268, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61f15268, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, -103.228638, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, -100.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6137c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6137d4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f613778 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747349 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_WaitDone: submitID 747338, timeout 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a23e8, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2418 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2418, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a23e8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a23e8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, -124.823662, 84.658546, 130.090317, 131.046951} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, -120.919601, 61.508038, 131.046951, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6146c0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6146cc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f614670 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2328, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2358 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2358, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, -51.614319, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, -50.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f614be8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f614bf4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f614b98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2268, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2298 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2298, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2268, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2268, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, -73.209343, -80.507278, 130.090317, 131.046951} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, -70.919601, -58.491962, 131.046951, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f615ae0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f615aec Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f615a90 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a21a8, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a21d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a21d8, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a21a8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a21a8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, -51.614319, 0.000000, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, -50.000000, 0.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616008 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616014 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f615fb8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a20e8, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2118 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2118, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a20e8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a20e8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, -73.209343, 2.075634, 130.090317, 131.046951} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, -70.919601, 1.508037, 131.046951, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616f00 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616f0c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f616eb0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a24a8, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a24d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a24d8, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a24a8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a24a8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, -51.614319, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, -50.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617428 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617434 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f6173d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2628, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2658 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2658, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2628, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2628, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, -73.209343, 84.658546, 130.090317, 131.046951} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, -70.919601, 61.508038, 131.046951, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618320 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61832c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f6182d0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a26e8, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2718 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2718, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a26e8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a26e8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, 0.000000, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, 0.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618848 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618854 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f6187f8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2868, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2898 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2898, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2868, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2868, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, -21.595020, -80.507278, 130.090317, 131.046951} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, -20.919601, -58.491962, 131.046951, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619740 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61974c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f6196f0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2928, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2958 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2958, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2928, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2928, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, 0.000000, 0.000000, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619c68 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619c74 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f619c18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a29e8, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2a18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2a18, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a29e8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a29e8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, -21.595020, 2.075634, 130.090317, 131.046951} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, -20.919601, 1.508037, 131.046951, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ab60 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ab6c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61ab10 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2aa8, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2ad8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2ad8, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2aa8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2aa8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, 0.000000, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, 0.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b088 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b094 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61b038 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2b68, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2b98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2b98, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2b68, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2b68, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, -21.595020, 84.658546, 130.090317, 131.046951} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, -20.919601, 61.508038, 131.046951, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61bf80 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61bf8c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61bf30 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2c28, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2c58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2c58, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2c28, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2c28, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, 51.614319, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, 50.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61c4a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61c4b4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61c458 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2ce8, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2d18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2d18, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2ce8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2ce8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, 30.019300, -80.507278, 130.090317, 131.046951} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, 29.080399, -58.491962, 131.046951, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61d3a0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61d3ac Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61d350 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2da8, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2dd8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2dd8, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2da8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2da8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, 51.614319, 0.000000, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, 50.000000, 0.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61d8c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61d8d4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61d878 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2e68, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2e98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2e98, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2e68, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2e68, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, 30.019300, 2.075634, 130.090317, 131.046951} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, 29.080399, 1.508037, 131.046951, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61e7c0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61e7cc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61e770 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2f28, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2f58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2f58, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2f28, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2f28, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, 51.614319, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, 50.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ece8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ecf4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61ec98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a2028, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a2058 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a2058, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a2028, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a2028, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, 30.019300, 84.658546, 130.090317, 131.046951} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, 29.080399, 61.508038, 131.046951, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61fbe0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61fbec Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61fb90 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x679a0858, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x679a0888 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x679a0888, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x679a0858, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x679a0858, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, 103.228638, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, 100.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035130 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f03513c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f0350e0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a59d8, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5a08 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5a08, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a59d8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a59d8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, 81.633621, -80.507278, 130.090317, 131.046951} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, 79.080399, -58.491962, 131.046951, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036008 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036014 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f035fb8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a5918, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5948 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5948, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a5918, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a5918, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, 103.228638, 0.000000, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, 100.000000, 0.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036530 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f03653c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f0364e0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a5858, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5888 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5888, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a5858, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a5858, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, 81.633621, 2.075634, 130.090317, 131.046951} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, 79.080399, 1.508037, 131.046951, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037428 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037434 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f0373d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a5798, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a57c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a57c8, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a5798, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a5798, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, 103.228638, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, 100.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037950 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f03795c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f037900 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a56d8, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5708 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5708, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a56d8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a56d8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.047270, 0.078670, -0.997647, -0.997314, -1.028334, 0.098840, 0.049871, 0.049855, 0.076872, 1.370572, 0.053668, 0.053650, 81.633621, 84.658546, 130.090317, 131.046951} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {-0.045792, 0.057157, -0.997314, 0.000000, -0.996171, 0.071811, 0.049855, 0.000000, 0.074468, 0.995779, 0.053650, 0.000000, 79.080399, 61.508038, 131.046951, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f038848 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f038854 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f0387f8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a5618, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5648 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5648, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a5618, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a5618, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 3553, texture 258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 3553, pname 34046, param 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f1d18, tags 0x61435738. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDepthMask: flag 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747350 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 1, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glBlendFunc: sfactor 1, dfactor 769 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendModeSeparate: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, colSrc 1, colDst 3, alphaSrc 1, alphaDst 3. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendMode: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, src 1, dst 3. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glEnable: cap 3042 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 5, value 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUseProgram program 257 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetShaderPipeline: renderState 0x63368358, shaderPipeline 0x641f1b38. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f03577c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 4, type 5121, normalized 1, stride 0, pointer 0x5f171e70 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035798 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f03580c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6638a3a8, texSampler 0x641f1d18. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 15 (W3DNEC_QUEUEEMPTY). Submit ID 747350 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_WaitDone: submitID 747340, timeout 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6285ee18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6285ee48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6285ee48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037c34 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037c50 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f037cc4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6605f318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6605f348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6605f348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b90c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b928 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f17b99c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63993518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63993518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63993518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63993518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63993518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63993518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63993518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63993548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63993548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037fbc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037fd8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f03804c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63995118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63995118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63995118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63995118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63995118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63995118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63995118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63995148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63995148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036b9c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036bb8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f036c2c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63992e18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63992e48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63992e48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61cb14 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61cb30 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61cba4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63992718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63992748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63992748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f613aac Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f613ac8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f613b3c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626e0518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626e0548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626e0548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f0353f4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035410 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f035484 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626df018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626df048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626df048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036814 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036830 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f0368a4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e2818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626e2818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e2818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626e2818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e2818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626e2818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626e2818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626e2848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626e2848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f613e34 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f613e50 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f613ec4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626df718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626df718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626df718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626df718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626df748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626df748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f615254 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f615270 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f6152e4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62beec18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62beec48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62beec48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035b04 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035b20 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f035b94 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bed018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bed048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bed048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f612a94 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f612ab0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f612b24 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stridrrCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6285e048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17bc54 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17bc70 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f17bce4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62860318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62860348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62860348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f038344 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f038360 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f0383d4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63996e18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63996e18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63996e18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63996e18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63996e18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63996e18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63996e18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63996e48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63996e48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b36c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b388 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61b3fc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63997518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63997518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63997518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63997518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63997518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63997518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63997518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63997548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63997548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b3f4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b410 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f17b484 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63997c18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63997c18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63997c18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63997c18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63997c18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63997c18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63997c18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63997c48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63997c48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c854 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c870 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f17c8e4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63999818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63999818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63999818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63999818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63999818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63999818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63999818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63999848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63999848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617a94 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617ab0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f617b24 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62692a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62692a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62692a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036f24 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036f40 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f036fb4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62693118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62693148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62693148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616674 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616690 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f616704 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62692318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62692348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62692348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b6f4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b710 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61b784 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62690718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62690748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62690748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61a2d4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61a2f0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61a364 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62865818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62865848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62865848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61c78c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61c7a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61c81c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62862718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62862748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62862748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61dbac Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61dbc8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61dc3c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62863518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62863548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62863548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ce9c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ceb8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61cf2c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62865118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62865148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62865148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6141bc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6141d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61424c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be4118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be4148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be4148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f612ddc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f612df8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f612e6c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747351 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_WaitDone: submitID 747350, timeout 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628ac318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628ac348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628ac348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6155dc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6155f8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61566c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628ab518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628ab548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628ab548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f614ecc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f614ee8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f614f5c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b2718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b2748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b2748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6162ec Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616308 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61637c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b4318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b4348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b4348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618b2c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618b48 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f618bbc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a0a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x639a0a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a0a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x639a0a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a0a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x639a0a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x639a0a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x639a0a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x639a0a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619f4c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619f68 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f619fdc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399fc18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399fc18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399fc18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399fc18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399fc18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399fc18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6399fc18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6399fc48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6399fc48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61923c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f6192cc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a1118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x639a1118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a1118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x639a1118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a1118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x639a1118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x639a1118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x639a1148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x639a1148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61f6dc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61f6f8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61f76c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a0318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x639a0318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a0318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x639a0318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a0318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x639a0318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x639a0318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x639a0348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x639a0348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61e2bc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61e2d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61e34c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67853018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x67853018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67853018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x67853018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67853018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x67853018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x67853018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x67853048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x67853048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617e1c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617e38 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f617eac Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67854518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x67854518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67854518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x67854518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67854518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x67854518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x67854518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x67854548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x67854548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6169fc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616a18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f616a8c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67855a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x67855a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67855a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x67855a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67855a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x67855a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x67855a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x67855a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x67855a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ba7c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ba98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61bb0c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67855318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x67855318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67855318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x67855318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x67855318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x67855318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x67855318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x67855348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x67855348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61a65c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61a678 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61a6ec Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399b518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399b518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399b518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399b518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399b518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399b518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6399b518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6399b548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6399b548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDisable: cap 3042 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747352 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 5, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 3553, texture 257 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 3553, pname 34046, param 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f1ef8, tags 0x61435758. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDisable: cap 2929 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 0, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glPolygonOffset: factor -1.000000, units 0.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetPolygonOffset: renderState 0x63368358, factor 0.000000, units 0.000000, clamp 0.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glLineWidth: width 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetLineWidth: renderState 0x63368358, width 1.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glBlendFunc: sfactor 770, dfactor 771 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendModeSeparate: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, colSrc 6, colDst 7, alphaSrc 6, alphaDst 7. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendMode: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, src 6, dst 7. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glEnable: cap 3042 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 5, value 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUseProgram program 258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetShaderPipeline: renderState 0x63368358, shaderPipeline 0x641f1958. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 4, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 80, pointer 0x60d5d2c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDisableVertexAttribArray: index 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 4, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 80, pointer 0x60d5d2e8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 114, type 5123, indices 0x60d68d98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6111d738, texSampler 0x641f1ef8. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399b518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399b518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399b518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x63998a18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 456, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435668. Buffer address 0x63998a18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63998a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 114. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63998a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63998a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63998a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 456. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399b518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399b518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399b518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x6399d818 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 7296, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435668. Buffer address 0x6399d818, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399d818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 96, offset 0, count 76. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399d818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399d818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 0, offset 16, count 76. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399d818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399d818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 96, offset 32, count 76. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399d818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6399d818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6399d848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6399d848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 7296. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 114, indexBuffer 0x63998a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 96, type 5123, indices 0x60d68d98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399d818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399d818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399d818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x63996718 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 384, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435668. Buffer address 0x63996718, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63996718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 96. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63996718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63996748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63996748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 384. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399d818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399d818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399d818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x6399a718 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 6144, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435668. Buffer address 0x6399a718, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 96, offset 0, count 64. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 0, offset 16, count 64. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 96, offset 32, count 64. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6399a718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6399a748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6399a748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 6144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 96, indexBuffer 0x63996718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 84, type 5123, indices 0x60d68d98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x62c2f4a8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x63998318 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 336, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435978. Buffer address 0x63998318, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63998318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 4, normalized 0, numElements 1, stride 4, offset 0, count 84. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63998318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63998348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63998348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399a718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x6399ca18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 5376, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435978. Buffer address 0x6399ca18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 96, offset 0, count 56. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 0, offset 16, count 56. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 96, offset 32, count 56. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6399ca18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6399ca48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6399ca48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 5376. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 84, indexBuffer 0x63998318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glFlush Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747355 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_aglSwapBuffers Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glClearColor: red 0.392157, green 0.396078, blue 0.549020, alpha 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDepthMask: flag 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 1, value 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glClear: mask 0x4100 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Clear: renderState 0x63368358, colour 0x6630ea44, depth 0x6630ea38, stencil 0x0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747359 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDisable: cap 3042 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 5, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glEnable: cap 2929 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 0, value 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glPolygonOffset: factor -1.000000, units 0.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetPolygonOffset: renderState 0x63368358, factor 0.000000, units 0.000000, clamp 0.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glLineWidth: width 1.000000 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetLineWidth: renderState 0x63368358, width 1.000000. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUseProgram program 256 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetShaderPipeline: renderState 0x63368358, shaderPipeline 0x641f1c28. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, -103.228638, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, -100.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix3fv: location 109, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 100, count 1 v0 {14.784855, -20.998737, 109.543678, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 87, count 1 v0 {-35.215145, -20.998737, 109.543678, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 74, count 1 v0 {14.784855, 39.001263, 109.543678, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 61, count 1 v0 {-35.215145, 39.001263, 109.543678, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 50, count 1 v0 {64.784851, -20.998737, 109.543678, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 37, count 1 v0 {64.784851, 39.001263, 109.543678, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 22, count 1 v0 {1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 23, count 1 v0 {1.000000, 0.300000, 0.300000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 24, count 1 v0 {13.344125, -29.703516, 129.760605, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 19, count 1 v0 {0.800000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniform4fv: location 11, count 1 v0 {13.344125, 30.296484, 129.760605, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b180 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glEnableVertexAttribArray: index 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b18c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 4, type 5121, normalized 1, stride 0, pointer 0x5f171e70 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f1705c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a5e58, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5e88 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5e88, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a5e58, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a5e58, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399ca18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x628b3518 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x628b3518, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b3518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b3548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b3548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, -124.898804, -83.216812, 128.715454, 129.672546} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, -120.992393, -60.460556, 129.672546, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c0f8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c104 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f17c0a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a5d98, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5dc8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5dc8, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a5d98, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a5d98, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b3518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x62be3318 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62be3318, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be3318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be3348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be3348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, -103.228638, 0.000000, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, -100.000000, 0.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c580 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c58c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f17c530 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a5cd8, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5d08 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5d08, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a5cd8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a5cd8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be3318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x62beac18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62beac18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62beac18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62beac48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62beac48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, -124.898804, -0.633903, 128.715454, 129.672546} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, -120.992393, -0.460557, 129.672546, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6132a0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6132ac Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f613250 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a5c18, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5c48 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5c48, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a5c18, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a5c18, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62beac18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x62be9018 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62be9018, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be9018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be9048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be9048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, -103.228638, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, -100.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6137c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6137d4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f613778 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a5b58, readOffset 16, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5b88 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5b88, writeOffset 16, writeSize 1336. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a5b58, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a5b58, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be9018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x62be9718 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62be9718, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be9718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be9748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be9748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, -124.898804, 81.949013, 128.715454, 129.672546} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, -120.992393, 59.539444, 129.672546, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6146c0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f6146cc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f614670 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x628a5a98, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x628a5ac8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628a5ac8, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x628a5a98, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x628a5a98, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be9718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x62bec818 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62bec818, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bec818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bec848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bec848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, -51.614319, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, -50.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f614be8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f614bf4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f614b98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747365 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_WaitDone: submitID 747349, timeout 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3b58, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3b88 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3b88, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3b58, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3b58, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62bec818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x62868a18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62868a18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62868a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62868a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62868a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62868a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62868a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62868a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62868a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62868a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62868a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, -73.284485, -83.216812, 128.715454, 129.672546} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, -70.992393, -60.460556, 129.672546, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f615ae0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f615aec Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f615a90 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3a98, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3ac8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3ac8, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3a98, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3a98, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62868a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62868a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62868a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x62866018 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62866018, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62866018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62866018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62866018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62866018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62866018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62866018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62866018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62866048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62866048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, -51.614319, 0.000000, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, -50.000000, 0.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616008 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616014 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f615fb8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3c18, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3c48 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3c48, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3c18, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3c18, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62866018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62866018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62866018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x62869118 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62869118, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62869118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62869148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62869148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, -73.284485, -0.633903, 128.715454, 129.672546} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, -70.992393, -0.460557, 129.672546, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616f00 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f616f0c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f616eb0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3cd8, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3d08 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3d08, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3cd8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3cd8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62869118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x62869818 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x62869818, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62869818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62869848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62869848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, -51.614319, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, -50.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617428 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617434 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f6173d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3d98, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3dc8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3dc8, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3d98, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3d98, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62869818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x626d8c18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x626d8c18, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626d8c18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626d8c48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626d8c48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, -73.284485, 81.949013, 128.715454, 129.672546} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, -70.992393, 59.539444, 129.672546, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618320 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61832c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f6182d0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3e58, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3e88 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3e88, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3e58, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3e58, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626d8c18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x626da118 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x626da118, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626da118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626da148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626da148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, 0.000000, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, 0.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618848 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618854 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f6187f8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3f18, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3f48 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3f48, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3f18, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3f18, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626da118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 3, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 4, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 5, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 6, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 7, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 8, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 9, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 10, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 11, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 12, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 13, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 14, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_GetVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 15, buffer 0x0, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DestroyVertexBufferObject: vertexBuffer 0x626d8518 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_CreateVertexBufferObject: size 480, usage 6, maxArrays 16, tags 0x61435788. Buffer address 0x626d8518, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626d8518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626d8518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626d8548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626d8548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, -21.670164, -83.216812, 128.715454, 129.672546} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, -20.992395, -60.460556, 129.672546, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619740 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61974c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f6196f0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3018, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3048 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3048, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3018, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3018, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626d9318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626d9318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626d9348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626d9348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, 0.000000, 0.000000, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619c68 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f619c74 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f619c18 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee30d8, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3108 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3108, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee30d8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee30d8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b3c18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b3c18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b3c48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b3c48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, -21.670164, -0.633903, 128.715454, 129.672546} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, -20.992395, -0.460557, 129.672546, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ab60 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ab6c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61ab10 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3198, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee31c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee31c8, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3198, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3198, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b5118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b5118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b5118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b5118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b5118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b5118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b5118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b5148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b5148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, 0.000000, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, 0.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b088 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b094 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61b038 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3258, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3288 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3288, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3258, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3258, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747372 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_WaitDone: submitID 747351, timeout 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6285ee18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6285ee18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6285ee48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6285ee48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, -21.670164, 81.949013, 128.715454, 129.672546} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, -20.992395, 59.539444, 129.672546, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61bf80 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61bf8c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61bf30 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3318, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3348 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3348, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3318, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3318, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6605f318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6605f318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6605f348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6605f348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, 51.614319, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, 50.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61c4a8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61c4b4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElemode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3558, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3588 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3588, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3558, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3558, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63992e18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63992e18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63992e48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63992e48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, 29.944157, -0.633903, 128.715454, 129.672546} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, 29.007605, -0.460557, 129.672546, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61e7c0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61e7cc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61e770 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3618, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3648 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3648, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3618, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3618, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63992718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63992718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63992748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63992748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, 51.614319, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, 50.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ece8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61ecf4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61ec98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee36d8, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3708 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3708, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee36d8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee36d8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626e0518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626e0518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626e0548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626e0548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, 29.944157, 81.949013, 128.715454, 129.672546} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, 29.007605, 59.539444, 129.672546, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61fbe0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61fbec Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f61fb90 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3798, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee37c8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee37c8, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3798, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3798, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626df018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626df018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626df048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626df048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, 103.228638, -82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, 100.000000, -60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035130 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f03513c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f0350e0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3858, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3888 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3888, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3858, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3858, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e2818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626e2818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e2818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626e2818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626e2818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626e2818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626e2818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626e2848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626e2848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, 81.558479, -83.216812, 128.715454, 129.672546} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, 79.007607, -60.460556, 129.672546, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036008 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036014 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f035fb8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee3918, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3948 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3948, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee3918, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee3918, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x626df718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x626df718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x626df718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x626df718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x626df718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x626df748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x626df748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, 103.228638, 0.000000, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, 100.000000, 0.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036530 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f03653c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f0364e0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x66ee39d8, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x66ee3a08 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x66ee3a08, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x66ee39d8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x66ee39d8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62beec18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62beec18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62beec48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62beec48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, 81.558479, -0.633903, 128.715454, 129.672546} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, 79.007607, -0.460557, 129.672546, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037428 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037434 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f0373d8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x61f15b68, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x61f15b98 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x61f15b98, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61f15b68, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61f15b68, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62bed018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bed018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bed048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bed048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, 103.228638, 82.582916, 129.043015, 130.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, 100.000000, 60.000000, 130.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037950 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f03795c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f037900 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x61f15aa8, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x61f15ad8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x61f15ad8, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61f15aa8, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61f15aa8, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62bede18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bede18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bede48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bede48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 108, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.016436, -0.020525, -1.000095, -0.999762, -1.031913, -0.030186, -0.015598, -0.015593, -0.022394, 1.375898, -0.015261, -0.015256, 81.558479, 81.949013, 128.715454, 129.672546} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 57, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.015922, -0.014913, -0.999762, 0.000000, -0.999638, -0.021931, -0.015593, 0.000000, -0.021694, 0.999648, -0.015256, 0.000000, 79.007607, 59.539444, 129.672546, 1.000000} Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f038848 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f038854 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 36, type 5123, indices 0x5f0387f8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DBOLock: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS), buffer 0x61f15c28, readOffset 164, readSize 0. Buffer lock address 0x61f15c58 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x61f15c58, writeOffset 164, writeSize 1188. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61f15c28, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61f15c28, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bf0818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 0, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62bf0818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bf0818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 40, offset 12, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62bf0818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62bf0818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 40, offset 24, count 12. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62bf0818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62bf0818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62bf0848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62bf0848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 480. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 36, indexBuffer 0x62bee518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 3553, texture 258 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 3553, pname 34046, param 1 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_TSSetParameters: texSampler 0x641f1d18, tags 0x61435738. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDepthMask: flag 0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747373 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 1, value 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glBlendFunc: sfactor 1, dfactor 769 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendModeSeparate: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, colSrc 1, colDst 3, alphaSrc 1, alphaDst 3. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetBlendMode: renderState 0x63368358, buffIdx 0, src 1, dst 3. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glEnable: cap 3042 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetState: renderState 0x63368358, stateFlag 5, value 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glUseProgram program 257 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_SetShaderPipeline: renderState 0x63368358, shaderPipeline 0x641f1b38. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f03577c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 1, size 4, type 5121, normalized 1, stride 0, pointer 0x5f171e70 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035798 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f03580c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindTexture: renderState 0x63368358, texUnit 0, texture 0x6638a3a8, texSampler 0x641f1d18. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62861118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62861118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62861148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62861148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037c34 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037c50 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f037cc4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62860a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62860a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62860a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037fbc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f037fd8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f03804c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be1018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be1018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be1018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be1018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be1018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be1018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be1018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be1048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be1048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b90c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b928 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f17b99c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285e018, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6285e018, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285e018, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6285e018, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6285e018, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6285e018, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6285e018, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6285e048, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6285e048, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036b9c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036bb8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f036c2c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62860318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62860318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62860348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62860348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61cb14 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61cb30 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61cba4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63996e18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63996e18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63996e18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63996e18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63996e18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63996e18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63996e18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63996e48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63996e48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f613aac Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f613ac8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f613b3c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63997518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63997518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63997518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63997518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63997518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63997518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63997518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63997548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63997548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f613e34 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f613e50 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f613ec4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63997c18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63997c18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63997c18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63997c18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63997c18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63997c18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63997c18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63997c48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63997c48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035b04 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035b20 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f035b94 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63999818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x63999818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63999818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x63999818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x63999818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x63999818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x63999818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x63999848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x63999848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f612a94 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f612ab0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f612b24 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62692a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62692a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62692a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62692a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f615254 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f615270 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f6152e4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62693118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62693118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62693148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62693148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036814 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036830 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f0368a4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62692318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62692318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62692348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62692348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f0353f4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f035410 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f035484 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62690718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62690718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62690748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62690748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618eb4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f618ed0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f618f44 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62865818, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62865818, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62865848, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62865848, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61efcc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61efe8 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61f05c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62862718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62862718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62862748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62862748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61f354 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61f370 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61f3e4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62863518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62863518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62863548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62863548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61df34 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61df50 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61dfc4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62865118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62865118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62865148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62865148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f038344 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f038360 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f0383d4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x62be4118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x62be4118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x62be4148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x62be4148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61770c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617728 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61779c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 747374 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_WaitDone: submitID 747372, timeout 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628ac318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628ac318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628ac348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628ac348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17bc54 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17bc70 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f17bce4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628ab518, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628ab518, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628ab548, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628ab548, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617a94 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f617ab0 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f617b24 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b2718, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b2718, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b2748, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b2748, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036f24 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f036f40 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f036fb4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x628b4318, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x628b4318, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x628b4348, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x628b4348, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c854 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17c870 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f17c8e4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a0a18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x639a0a18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a0a18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x639a0a18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a0a18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x639a0a18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x639a0a18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x639a0a48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x639a0a48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b3f4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f17b410 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f17b484 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399fc18, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x6399fc18, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399fc18, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x6399fc18, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x6399fc18, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x6399fc18, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x6399fc18, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x6399fc48, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x6399fc48, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b36c Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b388 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61b3fc Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a1118, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 0, buffer 0x639a1118, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a1118, arrayIdx 1, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 4, stride 36, offset 12, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 1, buffer 0x639a1118, arrayIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a1118, arrayIdx 2, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 2, stride 36, offset 28, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindVertexAttribArray: renderState 0x63368358, attribNum 2, buffer 0x639a1118, arrayIdx 2. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOLock: buffer 0x639a1118, readOffset 0, readSize 0. Lock address 0x639a1148, errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BufferUnlock: bufferLock 0x639a1148, writeOffset 0, writeSize 144. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_DrawElements: renderState 0x63368358, primitive 0, baseVertex 0, count 6, indexBuffer 0x62be1718, arrayIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 3, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b6f4 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 2, type 5126, normalized 0, stride 36, pointer 0x5f61b710 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': OGLES2_glDrawElements: mode 4, count 6, type 5123, indices 0x5f61b784 Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 0, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 0. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_BindShaderDataBuffer: renderState 0x63368358, shaderType 1, buffer 0x61849328, bufferIdx 1. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.ManagedLights': W3DN_VBOSetArray: buffer 0x639a0318, arrayIdx 0, elementType 6, normalized 0, numElements 3, stride 36, offset 0, count 4. Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS) Shell Process '20.M