*** glSnoop started. Built date: Dec 15 2019 *** Timer frequency 24937500 ticks / second ogles2.library version 2.11 [0] Patching task Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es' OGLES2IFace 0x639d8038 [_OS4_INIT] IExec 0x021B28D4 [OS4_CreateDevice] *** SDL 2.0.9 video initialization starts *** [OS4_CreateDevice] Build date: 17.2.2020 [OS4_AllocSystemResources] Called [OS4_OpenLibraries] Opening libraries [OS4_OpenLibrary] Opening 'graphics.library' version 54 succeeded (address 0x6FFA3420) [OS4_OpenLibrary] Opening 'layers.library' version 53 succeeded (address 0x6FFFE4F0) [OS4_OpenLibrary] Opening 'intuition.library' version 51 succeeded (address 0x6FF5D4D0) [OS4_OpenLibrary] Opening 'icon.library' version 51 succeeded (address 0x68A058CC) [OS4_OpenLibrary] Opening 'workbench.library' version 51 succeeded (address 0x6FF0DC4C) [OS4_OpenLibrary] Opening 'keymap.library' version 51 succeeded (address 0x6FF77530) [OS4_OpenLibrary] Opening 'textclip.library' version 51 succeeded (address 0x67B3836C) [OS4_OpenLibrary] Opening 'dos.library' version 51 succeeded (address 0x6FEAB228) [OS4_GetInterface] Getting interface for libbase 0x6FFA3420 succeeded (address 0x6FFFF800) [OS4_GetInterface] Getting interface for libbase 0x6FFFE4F0 succeeded (address 0x6FF51140) [OS4_GetInterface] Getting interface for libbase 0x6FF5D4D0 succeeded (address 0x6FFFFC00) [OS4_GetInterface] Getting interface for libbase 0x68A058CC succeeded (address 0x68C233E0) [OS4_GetInterface] Getting interface for libbase 0x6FF0DC4C succeeded (address 0x68C23D40) [OS4_GetInterface] Getting interface for libbase 0x6FF77530 succeeded (address 0x6FF9F320) [OS4_GetInterface] Getting interface for libbase 0x67B3836C succeeded (address 0x6885E3D0) [OS4_GetInterface] Getting interface for libbase 0x6FEAB228 succeeded (address 0x6F917000) [OS4_OpenLibraries] All library interfaces OK [OS4_FindApplicationName] GetCliProgramName: 'dosbox_gl4es' [OS4_FindApplicationName] Application name: 'dosbox_gl4es' [OS4_GetInterface] Getting interface for libbase 0x6FF7777C succeeded (address 0x6FEBF420) [OS4_VideoInit] Called [OS4_InitModes] Called [OS4_LockPubScreen] Locking public screen [OS4_LockPubScreen] Public screen 0x67E81388 locked [OS4_GetDisplayMode] RTG mode 1342771968: w=1920, h=1080, bits=24 [OS4_CreateDefaultCursor] 0x63A0BBC0 [OS4_CreateHiddenCursor] Called [OS4_CreateCursor] Surface 0x63A0BBE8, cursor 0x63A0BCC8, hot_x 0, hot_y 0 [OS4_CopyImageData] Copying cursor data 1*1 from surface 0x63A0BBE8 to buffer 0x63A0BCF0 [OS4_GetDoubleClickTimeInMillis] Doubleclick time 500 ms [OS4_OpenAhiDevice] ahi.device opened [OS4_OpenAhiDevice] IO requests created [OS4_OpenAhiDevice] deviceOpen = 1 [OS4_CloseAhiDevice] Closing device [OS4_CloseAhiDevice] Freeing I/O requests [OS4_CloseAhiDevice] Deleting message port [OS4_CloseAhiDevice] Device closed [OS4_AudioAvailable] AHI is available [AMIGAINPUT_OpenLibrary] Called [OS4_OpenLibrary] Opening 'AmigaInput.library' version 51 succeeded (address 0x647EB9D8) [OS4_GetInterface] Getting interface for libbase 0x647EB9D8 succeeded (address 0x64788840) [AMIGAINPUT_EnumerateJoysticks] ENUMJOY: id=1668867692, type=1, axes=2, buttons=3 [AMIGAINPUT_EnumerateJoysticks] ENUMJOY: id=1668867692, type=3, axes=4, buttons=12 [AMIGAINPUT_EnumerateJoysticks] Found joystick #0 (AI ID=4096) 'Logitech Dual Action' [AMIGAINPUT_EnumerateJoysticks] ENUMJOY: id=1668867692, type=3, axes=0, buttons=4 [AMIGAINPUT_EnumerateJoysticks] Joystick 'PCI_GamePort' (AI ID=3328) has no axes/buttons - ignoring. [AMIGAINPUT_EnumerateJoysticks] ENUMJOY: id=1668867692, type=3, axes=0, buttons=8 [AMIGAINPUT_EnumerateJoysticks] Joystick 'PCI_HornetGP' (AI ID=7936) has no axes/buttons - ignoring. [AMIGAINPUT_EnumerateJoysticks] ENUMJOY: id=1668867692, type=3, axes=0, buttons=4 [AMIGAINPUT_EnumerateJoysticks] Joystick 'PCI_sblive' (AI ID=3840) has no axes/buttons - ignoring. [AMIGAINPUT_JoystickInit] EnumDevices returned 1 [AMIGAINPUT_JoystickInit] Found 1 joysticks [OS4_OpenIntuition] Called [OS4_OpenLibrary] Opening 'intuition.library' version 51 succeeded (address 0x6FF5D4D0) [OS4_GetInterface] Getting interface for libbase 0x6FF5D4D0 succeeded (address 0x6FFFFC00) [OS4_MakeButtonString] String 'Retry|Break|Abort|Ignore|Always Ignore' [OS4_ShowMessageBox] Button 0 chosen [OS4_ShowMessageBox] Mapped button 4 [OS4_CloseIntuition] Called [OS4_DropInterface] Dropping interface 0x6FFFFC00 [OS4_CloseLibrary] Closing library 0x6FF5D4D0 [OS4_GetIDCMPFlags] Called [OS4_GetWindowFlags] Called [OS4_GetScreenForWindow] Window mode (public screen) [OS4_CenterWindow] X centered [OS4_CenterWindow] Y centered [OS4_CreateSystemWindow] Opening window '(null)' at (640,340) of size (640x400) on screen 0x67E81388 [OS4_CreateSystemWindow] Window address 0x63A6FD78 [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Current qualifiers: 0 [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Left Shift off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Right Shift off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Capslock off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Control off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Left Alt off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Right Alt off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Left Amiga off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Right Amiga off [OS4_SetupWindowData] '(null)' dimensions 640*400 [OS4_CreateIconifyGadget] Called [OS4_CreateIconifyGadget] Image 0x63A70174 for gadget created [OS4_CreateIconifyGadget] Gadget 0x63A702E4 created and added [OS4_ShowWindow] Showing window '' [OS4_RefreshCursorState] Mouse shown 1 [OS4_CreateWindowFramebuffer] Native format 6, SDL format 372645892 (SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888) [OS4_CreateWindowFramebuffer] Allocating 640*400*32 bitmap) [OS4_HandleActivation] Window 0x63936DE8 activation 1 [OS4_UpdateMouseFocus] mousePointerInside status for window 'DOSBox' changes [inside] [OS4_UpdateMouseFocus] mousePointerInside status for window 'DOSBox' changes [outside] [OS4_OpenDevice] handle 0x00000000, devname (null), iscapture 0 [OS4_OpenDevice] New format = 0x9010 [OS4_OpenDevice] Buffer size = 4096 [OS4_ThreadInit] Called [OS4_OpenAhiDevice] ahi.device opened [OS4_OpenAhiDevice] IO requests created [OS4_OpenAhiDevice] deviceOpen = 1 B:Missed IRQ! diff = 12 [OS4_HideWindow] Ignore hide request, window 'DOSBox SVN, CPU speed: max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, Program: DOSBOX' is destroying [OS4_SetWindowGrabPrivate] Window 0x63A6FD78 ('DOSBox SVN, CPU speed: max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, Program: DOSBOX') input was released [OS4_DestroyWindowFramebuffer] Freeing bitmap 0x66319008 [OS4_DestroyWindow] Called for 'DOSBox SVN, CPU speed: max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, Program: DOSBOX' (flags 0x8) [OS4_RemoveAppWindow] Removing AppWindow [OS4_CloseSystemWindow] Closing window 'DOSBox SVN, CPU speed: max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, Program: DOSBOX' (address 0x63A6FD78) [OS4_CloseScreen] Public screen, not closing [OS4_CloseWindow] Disposing gadget 0x63A702E4 [OS4_CloseWindow] Disposing gadget image 0x63A70174 [OS4_GetIDCMPFlags] Called [OS4_GetWindowFlags] Called [OS4_GetScreenForWindow] Window mode (public screen) [OS4_CenterWindow] X centered [OS4_CenterWindow] Y centered [OS4_CreateSystemWindow] Opening window '(null)' at (448,220) of size (1024x640) on screen 0x67E81388 [OS4_CreateSystemWindow] Window address 0x63A6FD78 [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Current qualifiers: 0 [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Left Shift off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Right Shift off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Capslock off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Control off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Left Alt off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Right Alt off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Left Amiga off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Right Amiga off [OS4_SetupWindowData] '(null)' dimensions 1024*640 [OS4_CreateIconifyGadget] Called [OS4_CreateIconifyGadget] Image 0x63A70174 for gadget created [OS4_CreateIconifyGadget] Gadget 0x63A702E4 created and added [OS4_ShowWindow] Showing window '' [OS4_RefreshCursorState] Mouse shown 1 [OS4_HideWindow] Hiding window 'DOSBox SVN, CPU speed: max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, Program: DOSBOX' [OS4_DestroyWindow] Called for 'DOSBox SVN, CPU speed: max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, Program: DOSBOX' (flags 0x208) [OS4_RemoveAppWindow] Removing AppWindow [OS4_CloseSystemWindow] Closing window 'DOSBox SVN, CPU speed: max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, Program: DOSBOX' (address 0x63A6FD78) [OS4_CloseScreen] Public screen, not closing [OS4_CloseWindow] Disposing gadget 0x63A702E4 [OS4_CloseWindow] Disposing gadget image 0x63A70174 [OS4_LoadGlLibrary] Profile_mask 0, major ver 1, minor ver 3 [OS4_GL_LoadLibrary] Called 0 [OS4_GL_LoadLibrary] Opening of libraries done inside of gl4es [OS4_GetIDCMPFlags] Called [OS4_GetWindowFlags] Called [OS4_GetScreenForWindow] Window mode (public screen) [OS4_CreateSystemWindow] Opening window 'DOSBox SVN, CPU speed: max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, Program: DOSBOX' at (448,220) of size (1024x640) on screen 0x67E81388 [OS4_CreateSystemWindow] Window address 0x63A6FD78 [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Current qualifiers: 0 [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Left Shift off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Right Shift off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Capslock off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Control off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Left Alt off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Right Alt off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Left Amiga off [OS4_SyncKeyModifiers] Right Amiga off [OS4_SetupWindowData] 'DOSBox SVN, CPU speed: max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, Program: DOSBOX' dimensions 1024*640 [OS4_CreateIconifyGadget] Called [OS4_CreateIconifyGadget] Image 0x63A70174 for gadget created [OS4_CreateIconifyGadget] Gadget 0x63A702E4 created and added [OS4_ShowWindow] Showing window 'DOSBox SVN, CPU speed: max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, Program: DOSBOX' [OS4_RefreshCursorState] Mouse shown 1 [OS4_GL_CreateContext] Depth buffer size 16, stencil buffer size 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glStencilFunc: func 0x207 (GL_ALWAYS), ref 0, mask 4294967295 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glStencilMask: mask 4294967295 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glStencilOp: fail 0x1E00 (GL_KEEP), zfail 0x1E00 (GL_KEEP), zpass 0x1E00 (GL_KEEP) Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glPolygonOffset: factor 0.000000, units 0.000000 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glLineWidth: width 1.000000 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_aglCreateContext2: errcode pointer 0x5f1cd330 (value 0), tags 0x5f1cd2f8. Context address 0x65e8c410 [OS4_GL_CreateContext] OpenGL ES 2 context 0x65E8C410 created for window 'DOSBox SVN, CPU speed: max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, Program: DOSBOX' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_aglMakeCurrent: context 0x65e8c410 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 0xBA2 (GL_VIEWPORT), data 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 0xC10 (GL_SCISSOR_BOX), data 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 0x8B9B (GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT), data 6408 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 0x8B9A (GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE), data 5121 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetString: name 0x1F03 (GL_EXTENSIONS). String 'GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_frag_depth GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_SGIS_texture_lod ' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetShaderPrecisionFormat: shadertype 0x8B30 (GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER), precisiontype 0x8DF2 (GL_HIGH_FLOAT), range [127, 127], precision 23 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 0x8869 (Unknown enum), data 16 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 0x87FE (GL_NUM_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS_OES), data 1 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 0xD33 (GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE), data 16384 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 0x8872 (Unknown enum), data 32 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 0x8872 (Unknown enum), data 32 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 0x8DFC (Unknown enum), data 32 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: pname 0x84FF (GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT), data 16 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetError: error 0x0 (GL_NO_ERROR) Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetString: name 0x1F00 (GL_VENDOR). String 'A-EON Technology Ltd. Written by Daniel 'Daytonta675x' M▒▒ener @ GoldenCode.eu' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glCreateShader: type 0x8B31 (GL_VERTEX_SHADER). Created shader 256 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glShaderSource: shader 256, count 2, string 0x5f1cd248 length 0x0 Line 0: '#version 120' Line 1: ' layout(location = 0) in vec4 vecPos; ' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glCompileShader: shader 256 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': GL error 1281 (GL_INVALID_VALUE) detected Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: shader 256, pname 0x8B81 (GL_COMPILE_STATUS), params 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDeleteShader: shader 256 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glCreateShader: type 0x8B31 (GL_VERTEX_SHADER). Created shader 257 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glShaderSource: shader 257, count 2, string 0x5f1cd248 length 0x0 Line 0: '#version 300 es' Line 1: ' layout(location = 0) in vec4 vecPos; ' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glCompileShader: shader 257 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': GL error 1281 (GL_INVALID_VALUE) detected Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: shader 257, pname 0x8B81 (GL_COMPILE_STATUS), params 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDeleteShader: shader 257 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glCreateShader: type 0x8B31 (GL_VERTEX_SHADER). Created shader 258 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glShaderSource: shader 258, count 2, string 0x5f1cd248 length 0x0 Line 0: '#version 310 es' Line 1: ' layout(location = 0) in vec4 vecPos; ' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glCompileShader: shader 258 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': GL error 1281 (GL_INVALID_VALUE) detected Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: shader 258, pname 0x8B81 (GL_COMPILE_STATUS), params 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDeleteShader: shader 258 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glClear: mask 0x4100 [COLOR][DEPTH] [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glBegin' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glBindTexture' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glBlendEquation' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glBlendFunc' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glBlendFuncSeparate' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glClear' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glClearColor' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glColor3fv' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glColor4f' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glDeleteTextures' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glDepthFunc' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glDisable' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glDrawPixels' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glEnable' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glEnd' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGenTextures' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGetError' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGetIntegerv' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGetPointerv' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGetString' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glLineWidth' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glLoadIdentity' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glMatrixMode' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glOrtho' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glPixelStorei' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glPointSize' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glPopMatrix' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glPushMatrix' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glRasterPos2i' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glReadBuffer' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glReadPixels' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glRectf' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glRotated' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glRotatef' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glScissor' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glShadeModel' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glTexCoord2f' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glTexEnvf' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glTexImage2D' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glTexParameteri' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glTexSubImage2D' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glTranslatef' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glVertex2f' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glVertex3fv' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glViewport' [OS4_GL_SetSwapInterval] VSYNC 0 [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGetString' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGetString' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGetString' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glActiveTextureARB' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGetString' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGetString' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGetString' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGetString' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGetString' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGetString' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGetError' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glAttachObjectARB' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glCompileShaderARB' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glCreateProgramObjectARB' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glCreateShaderObjectARB' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glDeleteObjectARB' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGetInfoLogARB' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGetObjectParameterivARB' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGetUniformLocationARB' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glLinkProgramARB' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glShaderSourceARB' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glUniform1iARB' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glUniform1fARB' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glUseProgramObjectARB' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetError: error 0x0 (GL_NO_ERROR) Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glCreateProgram: created program 256 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glCreateShader: type 0x8B31 (GL_VERTEX_SHADER). Created shader 259 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glShaderSource: shader 259, count 1, string 0x61863d98 length 0x0 Line 0: '#version 100 precision highp float; precision highp int; uniform highp mat4 _gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix; attribute highp vec4 _gl4es_Vertex; attribute lowp vec4 _gl4es_Color; varying vec4 v_color; void main() { gl_Position = _gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * _gl4es_Vertex; v_color = _gl4es_Color; }' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glCompileShader: shader 259 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: shader 259, pname 0x8B81 (GL_COMPILE_STATUS), params 1 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glCreateShader: type 0x8B30 (GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER). Created shader 260 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glShaderSource: shader 260, count 1, string 0x5edcc260 length 0x0 Line 0: '#version 100 precision highp float; precision highp int; #define sampler2D sampler2DRect #define texture2D texture2DRect #define UVCoordScale 0.5 varying vec4 v_color; void main() { gl_FragColor = v_color; }' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glCompileShader: shader 260 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: shader 260, pname 0x8B81 (GL_COMPILE_STATUS), params 1 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glAttachShader: program 256, shader 259 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glAttachShader: program 256, shader 260 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glLinkProgram: program 256 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetError: error 0x0 (GL_NO_ERROR) Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 256, pname 0x8B82 (GL_LINK_STATUS), params 1 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 256, pname 0x8B86 (GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS), params 1 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 256, pname 0x8B87 (GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH), params 33 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 256, index 0, bufSize 33, length 32, size 1, type 0x8B5C (GL_FLOAT_MAT4), name '_gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix'. Location 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 256, pname 0x8B89 (GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES), params 2 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 256, pname 0x8B8A (GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH), params 14 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetActiveAttrib: program 256, index 0, bufSize 14, length 13, size 1, type 0x8B52 (GL_FLOAT_VEC4), name '_gl4es_Vertex' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetAttribLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_Vertex'. Location 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetActiveAttrib: program 256, index 1, bufSize 14, length 12, size 1, type 0x8B52 (GL_FLOAT_VEC4), name '_gl4es_Color' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetAttribLocation: program 256, name '_gl4es_Color'. Location 1 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetError: error 0x0 (GL_NO_ERROR) Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetError: error 0x0 (GL_NO_ERROR) Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glCreateProgram: created program 257 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glCreateShader: type 0x8B31 (GL_VERTEX_SHADER). Created shader 261 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glShaderSource: shader 261, count 1, string 0x61893fb8 length 0x0 Line 0: '#version 100 precision highp float; precision highp int; uniform highp mat4 _gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix; attribute highp vec4 _gl4es_Vertex; attribute lowp vec4 _gl4es_Color; attribute highp vec4 _gl4es_MultiTexCoord0; varying vec4 v_color; varying vec2 v_texCoord; void main() { gl_Position = _gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * _gl4es_Vertex; v_color = _gl4es_Color; v_texCoord = vec2(_gl4es_MultiTexCoord0); }' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glCompileShader: shader 261 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: shader 261, pname 0x8B81 (GL_COMPILE_STATUS), params 1 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glCreateShader: type 0x8B30 (GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER). Created shader 262 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glShaderSource: shader 262, count 1, string 0x5edcce38 length 0x0 Line 0: '#version 100 precision highp float; precision highp int; #define sampler2D sampler2DRect #define texture2D texture2DRect #define UVCoordScale 0.5 varying vec4 v_color; varying vec2 v_texCoord; uniform sampler2D tex0; void main() { gl_FragColor = texture2D(tex0, v_texCoord) * v_color; }' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glCompileShader: shader 262 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': GL error 1281 (GL_INVALID_VALUE) detected Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: shader 262, pname 0x8B81 (GL_COMPILE_STATUS), params 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: shader 262, pname 0x8B84 (GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH), params 139 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetShaderInfoLog: shader 262, bufSize 140, length 138, infoLog 'ERROR: 8:1: 'sampler2DRect' : Reserved word. ERROR: 13:0: '' : compilation terminated ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated. ' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDeleteProgram: program 256 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDeleteShader: shader 261 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDeleteShader: shader 262 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDeleteProgram: program 257 [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGetString' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glGenFramebuffersEXT' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glDeleteFramebuffersEXT' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glFramebufferTexture2DEXT' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glBindFramebufferEXT' [OS4_GL_GetProcAddress] Called for 'glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDisable: cap 0xC11 (GL_SCISSOR_TEST) Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glClearColor: red 1.000000, green 1.000000, blue 1.000000, alpha 1.000000 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGenTextures: n 1, textures 0x5eda8be8 Texture[0] = 256 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), texture 256 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), pname 0x2801 (GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER), param 0x2601 (GL_LINEAR) Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), pname 0x2802 (GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S), param 0x812F (GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glTexParameteri: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), pname 0x2803 (GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T), param 0x812F (GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glTexImage2D: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), level 0, internalformat 0x80E1 (GL_BGRA_EXT), width 640, height 400, border 0, format 0x80E1 (GL_BGRA_EXT), type 0x1401 (GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE), pixels 0x0 [OS4_HandleActivation] Window 0x63936F80 activation 1 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glPixelStorei: pname 0xCF5 (GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT), param 1 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glTexSubImage2D: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D, level 0, xoffset 0, yoffset 0, width 640, height 400, format 0x80E1 (GL_BGRA_EXT), type 0x1401 (GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE), pixels 0x5de66008 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glClearColor: red 0.000000, green 0.000000, blue 0.000000, alpha 1.000000 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glClear: mask 0x4000 [COLOR] Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glCreateProgram: created program 258 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_aglGetProcAddress: name 'glProgramBinaryOES'. Address 0x7efe5218 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glProgramBinaryOES: program 258, binaryFormat 0xC00DA675 (Unknown enum), binary 0x63a172d0, length 2103 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 258, pname 0x8B82 (GL_LINK_STATUS), params 1 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 258, pname 0x8B86 (GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS), params 3 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 258, pname 0x8B87 (GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH), params 33 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 258, index 0, bufSize 33, length 32, size 1, type 0x8B5C (GL_FLOAT_MAT4), name '_gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 258, name '_gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix'. Location 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 258, index 1, bufSize 33, length 18, size 1, type 0x8B50 (GL_FLOAT_VEC2), name '_gl4es_TexAdjust_0' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 258, name '_gl4es_TexAdjust_0'. Location 1 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 258, index 2, bufSize 33, length 19, size 1, type 0x8B5E (GL_SAMPLER_2D), name '_gl4es_TexSampler_0' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 258, name '_gl4es_TexSampler_0'. Location 2 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 258, pname 0x8B89 (GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES), params 3 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 258, pname 0x8B8A (GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH), params 22 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetActiveAttrib: program 258, index 0, bufSize 22, length 13, size 1, type 0x8B52 (GL_FLOAT_VEC4), name '_gl4es_Vertex' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetAttribLocation: program 258, name '_gl4es_Vertex'. Location 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetActiveAttrib: program 258, index 1, bufSize 22, length 12, size 1, type 0x8B52 (GL_FLOAT_VEC4), name '_gl4es_Color' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetAttribLocation: program 258, name '_gl4es_Color'. Location 1 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetActiveAttrib: program 258, index 2, bufSize 22, length 21, size 1, type 0x8B52 (GL_FLOAT_VEC4), name '_gl4es_MultiTexCoord0' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetAttribLocation: program 258, name '_gl4es_MultiTexCoord0'. Location 2 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glUseProgram program 258 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 0, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.001953, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -0.003125, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -2.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000, 1.000000, -1.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glUniform1iv: location 2, count 1 v0 { 0 } Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glUniform2fv: location 1, count 1 v0 {0.001563, 0.002500} Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glEnableVertexAttribArray: index 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 0, size 4, type 0x1406 (GL_FLOAT), normalized 0, stride 80, pointer 0x5f610588 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glVertexAttrib4fv index 1, v { 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000 } Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glEnableVertexAttribArray: index 2 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glVertexAttribPointer: index 2, size 4, type 0x1406 (GL_FLOAT), normalized 0, stride 80, pointer 0x5f6105a8 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDrawArrays: mode 0x5 (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP), first 0, count 4 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glFinish Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_aglSwapBuffers Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glTexSubImage2D: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D, level 0, xoffset 0, yoffset 0, width 640, height 400, format 0x80E1 (GL_BGRA_EXT), type 0x1401 (GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE), pixels 0x5df66008 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glClear: mask 0x4000 [COLOR] Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), texture 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glCreateProgram: created program 259 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glProgramBinaryOES: program 259, binaryFormat 0xC00DA675 (Unknown enum), binary 0x63a16db0, length 1131 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 259, pname 0x8B82 (GL_LINK_STATUS), params 1 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 259, pname 0x8B86 (GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS), params 1 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 259, pname 0x8B87 (GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH), params 33 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetActiveUniform: program 259, index 0, bufSize 33, length 32, size 1, type 0x8B5C (GL_FLOAT_MAT4), name '_gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetUniformLocation: program 259, name '_gl4es_ModelViewProjectionMatrix'. Location 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 259, pname 0x8B89 (GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES), params 2 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetProgramiv: program 259, pname 0x8B8A (GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH), params 14 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetActiveAttrib: program 259, index 0, bufSize 14, length 13, size 1, type 0x8B52 (GL_FLOAT_VEC4), name '_gl4es_Vertex' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetAttribLocation: program 259, name '_gl4es_Vertex'. Location 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetActiveAttrib: program 259, index 1, bufSize 14, length 12, size 1, type 0x8B52 (GL_FLOAT_VEC4), name '_gl4es_Color' Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glGetAttribLocation: program 259, name '_gl4es_Color'. Location 1 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glUseProgram program 259 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glUniformMatrix4fv: location 0, count 1, transpose 0 matrix #0 {0.001953, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -0.003125, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -2.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000, 1.000000, -1.000000, 1.000000} Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDisableVertexAttribArray: index 2 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDrawArrays: mode 0x5 (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP), first 0, count 4 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glFinish Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_aglSwapBuffers Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), texture 256 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glTexSubImage2D: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D, level 0, xoffset 0, yoffset 0, width 640, height 400, format 0x80E1 (GL_BGRA_EXT), type 0x1401 (GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE), pixels 0x5de66008 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glClear: mask 0x4000 [COLOR] Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), texture 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDrawArrays: mode 0x5 (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP), first 0, count 4 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glFinish Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_aglSwapBuffers Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), texture 256 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glTexSubImage2D: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D, level 0, xoffset 0, yoffset 0, width 640, height 400, format 0x80E1 (GL_BGRA_EXT), type 0x1401 (GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE), pixels 0x5df66008 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glClear: mask 0x4000 [COLOR] Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), texture 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDrawArrays: mode 0x5 (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP), first 0, count 4 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glFinish Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_aglSwapBuffers Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), texture 256 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glTexSubImage2D: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D, level 0, xoffset 0, yoffset 0, width 640, height 400, format 0x80E1 (GL_BGRA_EXT), type 0x1401 (GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE), pixels 0x5de66008 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glClear: mask 0x4000 [COLOR] Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), texture 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDrawArrays: mode 0x5 (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP), first 0, count 4 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glFinish Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_aglSwapBuffers Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), texture 256 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glTexSubImage2D: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D, level 0, xoffset 0, yoffset 0, width 640, height 400, format 0x80E1 (GL_BGRA_EXT), type 0x1401 (GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE), pixels 0x5df66008 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glClear: mask 0x4000 [COLOR] Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), texture 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDrawArrays: mode 0x5 (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP), first 0, count 4 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glFinish Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_aglSwapBuffers Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), texture 256 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glTexSubImage2D: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D, level 0, xoffset 0, yoffset 0, width 640, height 400, format 0x80E1 (GL_BGRA_EXT), type 0x1401 (GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE), pixels 0x5de66008 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glClear: mask 0x4000 [COLOR] Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), texture 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDrawArrays: mode 0x5 (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP), first 0, count 4 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glFinish Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_aglSwapBuffers Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), texture 256 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glTexSubImage2D: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D, level 0, xoffset 0, yoffset 0, width 640, height 400, format 0x80E1 (GL_BGRA_EXT), type 0x1401 (GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE), pixels 0x5df66008 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glClear: mask 0x4000 [COLOR] Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), texture 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDrawArrays: mode 0x5 (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP), first 0, count 4 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glFinish Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_aglSwapBuffers Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), texture 256 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glTexSubImage2D: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D, level 0, xoffset 0, yoffset 0, width 640, height 400, format 0x80E1 (GL_BGRA_EXT), type 0x1401 (GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE), pixels 0x5de66008 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glClear: mask 0x4000 [COLOR] Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), texture 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDrawArrays: mode 0x5 (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP), first 0, count 4 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glFinish Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_aglSwapBuffers Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), texture 256 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glTexSubImage2D: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D, level 0, xoffset 0, yoffset 0, width 640, height 400, format 0x80E1 (GL_BGRA_EXT), type 0x1401 (GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE), pixels 0x5df66008 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glClear: mask 0x4000 [COLOR] Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glBindTexture: target 0xDE1 (GL_TEXTURE_2D), texture 0 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDrawArrays: mode 0x5 (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP), first 0, count 4 Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glFinish Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_aglSwapBuffers Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_glDeleteTextures: n 1, textures 0x5eda8c34 Deleting texture[0] = 256 [OS4_GL_MakeCurrent] Called window=0x00000000 context=0x00000000 [OS4_GL_DeleteContext] Called with context=0x65E8C410 [OS4_GL_DeleteContext] Found ogles2 context, destroy it and clearing window binding Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': OGLES2_aglDestroyContext: context 0x65e8c410 [OS4_OpenIntuition] Called [OS4_OpenLibrary] Opening 'intuition.library' version 51 succeeded (address 0x6FF5D4D0) [OS4_GetInterface] Getting interface for libbase 0x6FF5D4D0 succeeded (address 0x6FFFFC00) [OS4_MakeButtonString] String 'Retry|Break|Abort|Ignore|Always Ignore' [OS4_ShowMessageBox] Button 0 chosen [OS4_ShowMessageBox] Mapped button 4 [OS4_CloseIntuition] Called [OS4_DropInterface] Dropping interface 0x6FFFFC00 [OS4_CloseLibrary] Closing library 0x6FF5D4D0 [OS4_RaiseWindow] Raising window 'DOSBox SVN, CPU speed: max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, Program: DOSBOX' [OS4_HideWindow] Ignore hide request, window 'DOSBox SVN, CPU speed: max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, Program: DOSBOX' is destroying [OS4_SetWindowGrabPrivate] Window 0x63A6FD78 ('DOSBox SVN, CPU speed: max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, Program: DOSBOX') input was released [OS4_DestroyWindow] Called for 'DOSBox SVN, CPU speed: max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, Program: DOSBOX' (flags 0xA) [OS4_RemoveAppWindow] Removing AppWindow [OS4_CloseSystemWindow] Closing window 'DOSBox SVN, CPU speed: max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, Program: DOSBOX' (address 0x63A6FD78) [OS4_CloseScreen] Public screen, not closing [OS4_CloseWindow] Disposing gadget 0x63A702E4 [OS4_CloseWindow] Disposing gadget image 0x63A70174 [OS4_GL_UnloadLibrary] Called 0 [OS4_GL_UnloadLibrary] Closing of ogles2 libraries done inside of gl4es [AMIGAINPUT_CloseLibrary] Called [OS4_DropInterface] Dropping interface 0x64788840 [OS4_CloseLibrary] Closing library 0x647EB9D8 [OS4_CloseDevice] Called [OS4_CloseAhiDevice] Aborting I/O... [OS4_CloseAhiDevice] Closing device [OS4_CloseAhiDevice] Freeing I/O requests [OS4_CloseAhiDevice] Deleting message port [OS4_CloseAhiDevice] Device closed [OS4_FreeCursor] Called 0x63A0BBC0 [OS4_VideoQuit] Called [OS4_FreeCursor] Called 0x63A0BCC8 [OS4_QuitModes] Called [OS4_UnlockPubScreen] Unlocking public screen 0x67E81388 [OS4_DeleteDevice] Called [OS4_FreeSystemResources] Called [OS4_DropInterface] Dropping interface 0x6FEBF420 [OS4_FreeSystemResources] Closing input.device [OS4_FreeSystemResources] Freeing IORequest [OS4_FreeSystemResources] Freeing MsgPort [OS4_FreeSystemResources] Freeing memory pool [OS4_FreeSystemResources] Replying app messages [OS4_FreeSystemResources] Freeing app message port [OS4_FreeSystemResources] Freeing user port [OS4_CloseLibraries] Closing libraries [OS4_DropInterface] Dropping interface 0x6F917000 [OS4_DropInterface] Dropping interface 0x6885E3D0 [OS4_DropInterface] Dropping interface 0x6FF9F320 [OS4_DropInterface] Dropping interface 0x68C23D40 [OS4_DropInterface] Dropping interface 0x68C233E0 [OS4_DropInterface] Dropping interface 0x6FFFFC00 [OS4_DropInterface] Dropping interface 0x6FF51140 [OS4_DropInterface] Dropping interface 0x6FFFF800 [OS4_CloseLibrary] Closing library 0x6FEAB228 [OS4_CloseLibrary] Closing library 0x67B3836C [OS4_CloseLibrary] Closing library 0x6FF77530 [OS4_CloseLibrary] Closing library 0x6FF0DC4C [OS4_CloseLibrary] Closing library 0x68A058CC [OS4_CloseLibrary] Closing library 0x6FF5D4D0 [OS4_CloseLibrary] Closing library 0x6FFFE4F0 [OS4_CloseLibrary] Closing library 0x6FFA3420 OpenGL ES 2.0 profiling results for Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': Function calls used 225.668331 ms, 0.88 % of context life-time 25581.330526 ms Draw calls/frame 1.0. Draw calls/s 0.4 Frames/s 0.4 function | call count | errors | duration (ms) | avg. call dur. (us) | % of 225.668331 ms | % of CPU time CompileShader | 7 | 4 | 143.459208 | 20494.173 | 63.57 | 0.56 CreateContext2 | 1 | 0 | 42.021333 | 42021.333 | 18.62 | 0.16 TexSubImage2D | 10 | 0 | 20.548211 | 2054.821 | 9.11 | 0.08 ProgramBinaryOES | 2 | 0 | 9.120281 | 4560.140 | 4.04 | 0.04 Finish | 10 | 0 | 4.308010 | 430.801 | 1.91 | 0.02 DestroyContext | 1 | 0 | 2.489985 | 2489.985 | 1.10 | 0.01 DrawArrays | 10 | 0 | 1.052832 | 105.283 | 0.47 | 0.00 LinkProgram | 1 | 0 | 1.039759 | 1039.759 | 0.46 | 0.00 Clear | 11 | 0 | 0.510997 | 46.454 | 0.23 | 0.00 DeleteProgram | 2 | 0 | 0.360822 | 180.411 | 0.16 | 0.00 SwapBuffers | 10 | 0 | 0.275649 | 27.565 | 0.12 | 0.00 TexImage2D | 1 | 0 | 0.154466 | 154.466 | 0.07 | 0.00 CreateProgram | 4 | 0 | 0.058667 | 14.667 | 0.03 | 0.00 DeleteShader | 5 | 0 | 0.044231 | 8.846 | 0.02 | 0.00 ShaderSource | 7 | 0 | 0.033003 | 4.715 | 0.01 | 0.00 BindTexture | 18 | 0 | 0.032521 | 1.807 | 0.01 | 0.00 CreateShader | 7 | 0 | 0.030396 | 4.342 | 0.01 | 0.00 GenTextures | 1 | 0 | 0.026907 | 26.907 | 0.01 | 0.00 DeleteTextures | 1 | 0 | 0.023699 | 23.699 | 0.01 | 0.00 GetIntegerv | 11 | 0 | 0.008702 | 0.791 | 0.00 | 0.00 GetProgramiv | 15 | 0 | 0.008060 | 0.537 | 0.00 | 0.00 GetActiveUniform | 5 | 0 | 0.006135 | 1.227 | 0.00 | 0.00 GetShaderiv | 8 | 0 | 0.006055 | 0.757 | 0.00 | 0.00 GetActiveAttrib | 7 | 0 | 0.005013 | 0.716 | 0.00 | 0.00 GetProcAddress | 1 | 0 | 0.004491 | 4.491 | 0.00 | 0.00 UniformMatrix4fv | 2 | 0 | 0.004050 | 2.025 | 0.00 | 0.00 GetAttribLocation | 7 | 0 | 0.003890 | 0.556 | 0.00 | 0.00 TexParameteri | 3 | 0 | 0.003850 | 1.283 | 0.00 | 0.00 GetUniformLocation | 5 | 0 | 0.003769 | 0.754 | 0.00 | 0.00 UseProgram | 2 | 0 | 0.002406 | 1.203 | 0.00 | 0.00 StencilOp | 1 | 0 | 0.002206 | 2.206 | 0.00 | 0.00 Disable | 1 | 0 | 0.002165 | 2.165 | 0.00 | 0.00 StencilFunc | 1 | 0 | 0.002085 | 2.085 | 0.00 | 0.00 AttachShader | 2 | 0 | 0.002045 | 1.023 | 0.00 | 0.00 ClearColor | 2 | 0 | 0.001484 | 0.742 | 0.00 | 0.00 GetError | 5 | 0 | 0.001283 | 0.257 | 0.00 | 0.00 Uniform2fv | 1 | 0 | 0.001163 | 1.163 | 0.00 | 0.00 PixelStorei | 1 | 0 | 0.000922 | 0.922 | 0.00 | 0.00 PolygonOffset | 1 | 0 | 0.000882 | 0.882 | 0.00 | 0.00 GetShaderInfoLog | 1 | 0 | 0.000802 | 0.802 | 0.00 | 0.00 VertexAttribPointer | 2 | 0 | 0.000802 | 0.401 | 0.00 | 0.00 StencilMask | 1 | 0 | 0.000802 | 0.802 | 0.00 | 0.00 GetString | 2 | 0 | 0.000762 | 0.381 | 0.00 | 0.00 LineWidth | 1 | 0 | 0.000682 | 0.682 | 0.00 | 0.00 Uniform1iv | 1 | 0 | 0.000642 | 0.642 | 0.00 | 0.00 GetShaderPrecisionFormat | 1 | 0 | 0.000561 | 0.561 | 0.00 | 0.00 DisableVertexAttribArray | 1 | 0 | 0.000521 | 0.521 | 0.00 | 0.00 EnableVertexAttribArray | 2 | 0 | 0.000441 | 0.221 | 0.00 | 0.00 VertexAttrib4fv | 1 | 0 | 0.000401 | 0.401 | 0.00 | 0.00 MakeCurrent | 1 | 0 | 0.000281 | 0.281 | 0.00 | 0.00 *) Please note that the above time measurements include time spent inside Warp3D Nova functions Primitive statistics: Total vertices 40. 1.6 vertices/s, 4.0 vertices/call, consisting of: - Triangle strip vertices 40. 1.6 verts/s, 4.0 verts/call Shell Process 'dosbox_gl4es': dropping patched OGLES2 interface 0x639d8038 [0]